Need help with cutting boards!?

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Assistant Cook
Nov 29, 2010
My sister asked for cutting boards for Christmas. She specifically asked that they not be wood, and that they are dishwasher safe. I would also prefer not to get glass because she has young children. Does anybody have any suggestions? I could just buy something cheap, but I would really like to buy nice ones, that fit into the criteria of what she prefers. Thanks in advance! :chef:
welcome to the forum. Take a look at epicurean boards- they are made of wood pulp but also use high tech resins and are unlike regualr wood boards. They are easy on knives, dishwasher safe and bullet proof. Epicurean - Cutting Boards

you can find deals on amazon :)
All I use are the white (blue and green) plastic cutting boards. They carefree, easy on knife edges, dishwasher safe and don't split or crack. If they get stained, I can easily bleach them to their original color and sanitize at the same time.

... those ones are probably made of gold.

Way too much money for a cutting board. Any plastic cutting board will fit your needs. They are very inexpensive, so you can get her couple of diffrent sizes, that is always nice to have on hand. They are dishwasher safe, they do not brake, do not ruin edge of the knife, they are perfect for everyday use. They are redily available in every store that sells kitchen supply. Better yet, if yo have restaurant supply near you go there, they would evn be cheapper.
I use both wood and plastic. I like how wood looks and feels, but I like how plastic can go in the dishwasher and takes up less space.

For plastic, I buy inexpensive ones. I like the kind that have a well on one side and flat on the other. This is the type I have.

Welcome to DC!
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I use both wood and plastic. I like how wood looks and feels, but I like how plastic can go in the dishwasher and takes up less space.

For plastic, I buy inexpensive ones. I like the kind that have a well on one side and flat on the other. This is the type I have.

Welcome to DC!

Exactly what we have. We have a couple plastic ones like yours that we store in a cupboard and use for raw meat and poultry; but we use our wood board (a beauty!) for everything else.
i only have plastic ones. buy her several in different sizes. i like them for all the reasons others have stated. i like it a lot that i can put in dishwasher.
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Bed Bath and Beyond has a green cutting board made with flax seed hulls etc. Not hard on knives, and dishwasherable. They will take them and recycle them when they get hopelessly chopped up.
I'm not sure why she doesn't want wood. Everything I've ever read about professional chefs is that most use wood, but then again, she isn't a professional. I had the feeling I would be going with plastic! Thanks!
Wanting plastic because it can go in the dishwasher is reason enough for me. I find that a major convenience. I much prefer using my wood board, but the fact that it has to be hand washed is a major downer for me.
I have never come across a food that was so hot that it could not go on a plastic cutting board. Have you Bill?
Temperature tolerance can also be a consideration. Really hot stuff on some plastics might be problematic.

The plastic cutting boards are heat resistant well beyond the temperatures of any foods. I have had no issue with melting or warping cutting boards from heat.

I wouldn't use one for a trivet. A hot pan off the burner - that's a different story.
Well you are using the cutting board for an unintended purpose. If you use them as a trivet then you do have a point and plastic could melt, but if you are just using them for food then there would never be an issue.
Nothing that you take out of pot is going to be 100 deg Celsius. GB is right, food no food will melt any plastik coard, I however have burned/melted one of my boards, not completely, just burning marks, by puttin a boiling tea pot on it.

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