New Batteries Were Not Enough

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Andy M.

Certified Pretend Chef
Sep 1, 2004
I put new batteries in my kitchen scale and, while it works after a fashion, it's not working properly. I have to fiddle with it to get it to zero out with a bowl on it.

So I'm thinking I need a new scale.

I want a digital scale with an 11-pound capacity, kg/pounds button, zero button and an easily readable display. I'd like it to be sensitive enough to measure in 1/8th ounce/1 gram increments.

What do you guys recommend?
Makes sense to me.

I had an electrical testing device.

The battery went dead.

I replaced it.

The thing never worked again.

We live in a throw it away society.

Why make something that can be repaired when it's cheaper to get a new one?

Is there such a thing as a T.V. repairman? ;)
Makes sense to me.

I had an electrical testing device.

The battery went dead.

I replaced it.

The thing never worked again.

We live in a throw it away society.

Why make something that can be repaired when it's cheaper to get a new one?

Is there such a thing as a T.V. repairman? ;)
Don't get me started.

As to kitchen scale, I bought a Starfrit scale, even though that brand is often crap. It was on sale for cheap enough to take a chance. I have been very happy with it so far (about 1.5 - 2 years). It goes up to 5 kg, zeroes, and can switch units between ounces, pounds, grams, and kilograms.
My Salter scale does everything you describe as a requirement. It's my second one. The first one lasted well over 10 years and I only replaced the batteries, maybe, three times. I was so happy with the first one that I bought another one just like it and I still love it. I think I bought it on Amazon, but I'm not sure. it was less than $50 wherever I bought it.

This is the one I have. Easy to use, easy to clean.
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Katie, here's what my Salter looks like. Yours is very similar.

I've had it for many years and it's served me well until now. I used it today to measure out the ingredients for a batch of bagels and it was a struggle to get it to zero out.


  • images.jpg
    4.2 KB · Views: 132 Kitchen Scale - Baker's Math Kitchen Scale - KD8000 Scale by My Weight: Health & Personal Care


This is the one that I put on my Amazon wish list, I got it and I like it a lot.

I like that I can tare my Kitchenaid bowl, something that I couldn't do with my old scale. I haven't used the baker's percentage function yet, but will in the future. It will run off batteries (included) or an option a/c adapter.
I really like this scale. I also like the A/C adapter. Good thinking.
Is there such a thing as a T.V. repairman? ;)

off topic a bit, but actually, yes. i've fixed my samsung 40" lcd tv twice over the past 5 years. both times caps in the power supply module went bad, so i replaced them the first time with identical caps, but they died again due to a flaw in the design of the circuit. so i replaced them with slightly higher rated caps.

but there still is truth to your "throw away" electronics idea. if the logic/codec board went bad in the tv, there's almost nothing you can due to repair it excet to buy a whole replacement pre-programmed board and chuck the original defective one (ok, properly dispose of it, lol). all of the chips are surface mounted on multilayer boards nowadays making it nearly impossible for a human to repair. believe me, i've tried with very little success. even wen using 20 power jeweler's loupes squeezed into my eyeballs.

andy, have you tried cleaning the contacts in the battery compartment? it might be that they've oxidised a bit over gime and the new batteries just can't deliver enough juice to make it work properly. just a thought to get back on topic.
...andy, have you tried cleaning the contacts in the battery compartment? it might be that they've oxidised a bit over gime and the new batteries just can't deliver enough juice to make it work properly. just a thought to get back on topic.

I'll give it a try but the display is nice and bright. There seems to be plenty of juice.
how do you know how much a scale weighs? :wacko:

i guess you'd need a bigger scale, lol.

but then, how much does that one weigh? and the next, bigger one?

will the madness ever stop?
I have the smaller OXO that I use day to day and I also have an 11pound Cuisinart (I inherited that one).

One thing I wish the Cuisinart had that the OXO has is the removable face. Being able to pull out the face plate so I can see it when there is a bowl on the scale is ever so helpful.

Such a small consideration, but the Cuisinart I have to peek under bowls and such to see how much something weighs. That is annoying, which is why it lives in the basement and comes out for large meat projects. :)
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