THE 2020 PAQUI One Chip Challenge Review!!!!

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Master Chef
Nov 8, 2004

So I was at a local full service grocery store and SOMEHOW this item was for sale. I did not know when this was coming out or even thought I would ever be able to find this at a store, but I found it.

This is like a holy grail item for me to review.

One net wt. .21 ounce package cost me a whopping 5.99. Other places will have this item for 6.99

If you want to find the item take a look at this link:
2020 Paqui #OneChipChallenge

If you do make the purchase of it though they include a coupon for a FREE bag of Paqui tortilla chips which fully cushions the blow of my purchase.


This is the chip you get. One stinking chip that looks a lot like last years version. I think ones from a few years ago would be weaker on the heat scale.

The ingredients include:

Blue corn
Carolina Reaper Pepper
Scorpion Chili Pepper
Charcoal Powder
Sichuan pepper Extract.

The box is amazing. The inside of the box has art and words in it.

What to expect section:

Round 1: A spicy punch to the tongue. NOT so sure I even had that.

Round 2: A fiery jab to the face. I will say I had that for sure.

Round 3: Impaired vision from tears. I am going to say I had way more of a runny nose.

Round 4: A low blow to the gut. I am going to say I had that for sure.

Round 5: KO. EEEHb Maybe....

On the included paper thing with the coupon they say how long can you last before throwing in the towel. Eating or drinking anything..

5 min... featherweight.
10min... Lightweight
30min Middleweight
1+ hours Heavyweight.

I could certainly do the one plus hours, but did not have a my full lunch so I easily went the 10+ minutes.

The chip this was INSTANT pain and nose blows.

The nose blows were no fun as the spice from the chip was in full on blast mode.

I say I did at least 4 nose blows for this item.

This had an easy 10 minutes of afterburn for me. The Blairs Dearth Rain potato chips for me had way longer, but that was like a 2oz bag I had in one setting though.

I was in too much in instant nose blow mode to even notice if this one single tortilla chip had good flavor. I would say the Blairs Death Rain Potato chips were better on flavor for sure.

It had good crunch though.

After like 50-60 minutes though for some odd reason I wound up with a massive sweat attack. That knocked me out for like 40 minutes just to get me back to normal.

I say as a challenge this gets a big huge thumbs up from me if you are nuts enough to even attempt it. Finally I get a snackfood item going nationwide for once that brings the heat.

If it shows up again next year I skip.
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I did it. My mouth was hot, but not in pain. The heat was gone for me in about 15 minutes.

My Raging Bull salsa is as hot :ohmy:, but tastes better, IMHO. I especially love it on top of a burger that's been cooked over charcoal.:yum:

Seeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North
Interesting, but, NOPE

This item is certainly interesting and is certainly not for everyone. You really have to like hot food before you try it. Loads of youtube videos up on previous versions of this chip to view...

I did it. My mouth was hot, but not in pain. The heat was gone for me in about 15 minutes.

My Raging Bull salsa is as hot :ohmy:, but tastes better, IMHO. I especially love it on top of a burger that's been cooked over charcoal.:yum:

Seeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North

Sure the Salsa is going to taste much better as that is going to at least include some flavor.

All I could taste was heat. 15 Minutes is a good time time period to have all the heat gone.
Oh, I like hot food, but I want to be able to taste it.

You only get one 30 Calorie tortilla chip to eat. Not much to eat or even to taste.

If you want taste go for the big bags with the wimpier amounts of heat:)
to me, this sort of stuff is along the lines of 'hot dog eating contests'.

Some people out there are gonna get hurt. Don't remember the details but anyone recall the guy that died in Britain after a hot pepper eating contest?

sorry, I'm such a wet blanket and Woos with the capital W.
Like taxy, I like spice but I also like to taste my food.
I don't eatthe super hot because I'm tring to prove something. I truly enjoy the flavor I get from the super-hot peppers. If I could get the same flavor from a mild salsa that I get from Raging Bull salsa, I'd be just as happy with it. My Frisky Bull salsa has the same flavor, nut is a more reasonable heat level, as it uses the same ingredients, jus less of them per volume. To many, the Frisky Calf would still be on the hot side. DD ate some with chips and said "This is really good, and not too hot." For her, and those used to extreme, it's a medium hot salsa. To most people I know, this would be border-line inedible, but manageable.

I guess what I'm saying is that to people used to eating very hot foods, such as some of the southwestern peppers, African, Thailand, Indian, and such, my salsas are right up there alley. For most Midwesterners (u.S.) these are way too hot. It just depends on who you are. I assure you that I taste my food, even with the super hot peppers.:).

Seeeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North
you know? I get it. I understand. Some people love and can handle hot peppers. As you have said... They can actually taste the different nuances in the different varieties.

I would love to be able to differentiate between some of them but it is just not to be. Especially at my age and with certain gastric limitations. Had I started in my early youth it just might have happened. So my limits are jalapeno, Thai bird (tiny tiny!) Sriracha, sambal oelik, chili garlic and I love Harrisa! Harrisa is one that I can actually differentiate from the others.

you know? I get it. I understand. Some people love and can handle hot peppers. As you have said... They can actually taste the different nuances in the different varieties.

I would love to be able to differentiate between some of them but it is just not to be. Especially at my age and with certain gastric limitations. Had I started in my early youth it just might have happened. So my limits are jalapeno, Thai bird (tiny tiny!) Sriracha, sambal oelik, chili garlic and I love Harrisa! Harrisa is one that I can actually differentiate from the others.


I get it to. I was simply responding to let everyone know that we are all different and have different likes, and dislikes. What is wonderful to me, might just be horrible for you. My Great Grandmother loved hard, horehound candies, for instance. I thought they were terrible. My eldest son loves black licorice. I can't eat it. And I have to admit that though I used to eat my Raging Bull Salsa by the spoonful without issue, now, it can make me a bit nauseated, unless I pair it with other foods. However, I know several people who adore it, and will purchase it for $8 /pint from me.

Peppers cone in such a wide variety of flavors, some sweet and fruity, some pungent, some ridiculously hot, and some with no heat at al, and everything in between. Unless you are allergic to nightshades, or have trouble digesting them, there is a pepper for everybody. Dragon, you eat what you like. I applaud you for knowing how to enjoy your food.

And for those who turn their nose up, or can't understand why anyone in their right mind would use Carolina Reapers, or Trinidad Scorpion Marugas, or eve members of the scotch bonnet family, just know that your tastes are not the bar for all culinary tastes. If someone wants to try the hot tortilla chips, let them.

That's my opinion on them.

Seeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North
And for those who turn their nose up, or can't understand why anyone in their right mind would use Carolina Reapers, or Trinidad Scorpion Marugas, or eve members of the scotch bonnet family, just know that your tastes are not the bar for all culinary tastes. If someone wants to try the hot tortilla chips, let them.

Seeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North

Well Said!

and I love black licorice and black olives out of a can!.. :stuart:
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