New "I Love..." thread, can't be emotional love, like a spouse or child.

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Chief Longwind Of The North

Aug 26, 2004
Ok. So what do you love besides the obvious relationships with family and freinds. And don't take the easy way out and say something like "D.C." That's too easy.

My first attempt at this: I love U. P. Michigan Forests. They tantalize the senses with fragrant aromas, breathtaking beauty, and serentiy where you can get away from all people, if only breifly, or better yet, share time with someone special, away from all other people.

Seeeeeya; Goodweed of the North
I love working in my garden. It calms me and makes me happy. I love the smell of the dirt and the plants. I love the sun on my shoulders. I love the lowers and the veggies and the fruit. I even love the earths worms and the frogs. (Hurry up spring)
There are so many for me.

I love the smell of laundry as it dries on the line. I have to qualify that statement by saying we have a clothesline in our family room. Weird, I know, but it's part of living in this big old house. On laundry day the family room smells so fresh. As a twin to this fragrance, there's something magic about how laundry smells when it's been dried on the line outside.

Another of my loves is that of slipping into a freshly made bed onto cool percale sheets in the summertime. In the wintertime, that is equaled by snuggling between soft flannel sheets.

Great idea for a thread Goodweed!!
:) I love how the outside smells after a good rain storm.The air is so fresh from the rain washing away the dust and washing all the trees and plants.
Ditto all the loves mentioned above. In addition:

I love the smell of onions and celery frying up together.

I love the feel of HH's unshaven chin on my itchy shoulder.

I love the way sand feels between my toes.

I love having someone else wash my hair.

I love reading a perfectly turned phrase.

I love hearing wind blow through tall grass.
I won't mention anything about food because that list would just go on and on.

I love music and how it can transport me someplace else.
I love the sound of waves on the ocean.
I love warm sun hitting my skin.
I love sitting outside at 3am in the summer when everyone else is asleep and it is so peaceful that you feel like you are the only person alive.
I love being on a sailboat and getting that perfect breath of wind that just makes your boat take off.
I love sitting by my pool on a lazy Sunday morning with a hot cup of coffee in my hand.
I love being up in the mountains during a thunder storm.

I love hearing the laughter of small children.

I love to feel rain on my face.

I love looking at old family pictures.

I had better quit, I am starting to get pretty emotional.
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I love how reading a good book can make me feel as if I'm there.

I love watching the sun rise with my first cup of coffee.

I love a hot shower in the mornings to get me started & a hot bath at night to relax me.

I love sitting in the boat fishing & feeling that first tug of the day on the line.

I love tending to my roses & seeing them thrive from my care.

I love walking through the woods at my parents house just to see, hear, feel, & smell nature.

I love roasting marshmallows in a fire & feeling the warmth on my face on a crisp fall night.
I love giving gifts.
I love seeing my son smile and hearing my husband laugh.
I love that first sip of a cold drink when I'm really hot. The feeliing of coolness going down is great.
I love my feeling of my hair when it has been warmed by the sun.
I love being heard and really understood.
I love the power of huge waterfalls.
I love feeling protected and loved and needed and wanted by the person who I want to protect and love and need and want the most in this world. ( Is that too close to saying that I love my husband?)
First thing that comes to mind goodweed, is that I finally have sun coming through to my east facing kitchen in the morning, which is a sure sign of spring! In the winter my kitchen is so dark, so this is a welcomed sign.

I also love that when I workout, the south facing sun is with me in my room.

Also love the fact that after lots of snow and cold weather, we finally had rain which made me think spring is on the way here in Maine.

I also love when me and my husband take our dog for a walk that my husband scoops my hand into his and sometimes wraps his arms around me. I love the full moon, the stars, and the beach, and collecting sea glass, I love reading romance novels, I love talking with my sister on the phone, and I love writing letters to my older relatives who dont use computers, love my dog, love cooking, love gardening, love to boogie board. Ok thats it for now :LOL:
I love... love! There is not a better feeling in the world than truly connecting with someone in such a way that the rest of the world is unimportant... like there is just a bubble around the two of you.

I love powerful thunderstorms. I don't think I've ever felt more alive than when lightening shattered a big old Cottonwood tree about 100 yards from where I was watching the storm from the safety of my childhood home.

I love giggling babies. I don't think there is a more wonderful sound.

I love being in the surf and feeling so tiny in the natural elements.

I love wonder... and the learning that results from that wonder.

I love discovering new music, and sharing that music with someone else who shares the same passion.
I love getting my hands in the dirt and feeling the sun on the back of my neck.
I love seeing spring's as if everything that was dead is coming back to life.
I love the sound and smell of a spring rain...a summer thunderstorm, after it's been hot and dry...that first snow of big fluffy flakes that cover everything in a glistening blanket of white...
I loved watching two does raising their fawns in my back of them had twins! I even got to see the babies nursing.
I love the little Carolina wrens, who raised to sets of babies in the staghorn fern that was right next to my window...I could watch the mom & dad poking bugs down those hungry little throats. The mother kicked them out of the nest while I was watching, and I got to see them learn how to fly! I especially love the litte runt who was born with a little short stubby tail. She survived the winter, and is cuirrently looking for just the right nesting spot.
I love the place I live...all the hills and hollers and special, beautiful places...
I love seeing my friends gathered in my home, laughing and talking.
I could go on...It all come down to the fact that I'm just grateful for the gifts I've been given.
:) I love this post reminding all of us to stop and enjoy the smaller things in life.And to appreciate other loves by other people posting that we may have forgotten on the way.I always love the crocus popping up in the spring snow at Easter.
This is a great post to remind us to stop and really enjoy some of the smaller miracles.
I love watering my plants and having a tiny little hummingbird take a drink from the hose as it twits at me. I love tramping a stream looking for that deep shady pool, knowing a big rainbow is lurking there waiting to be caught.
I love the smell of the pines in the mountains, the sounds of waves as they brush the shore. I love that quiet deep in the night, no cars,voices, just the sounds of frogs and crickets. I love the smell and cooing noises of a tiny baby.I love the sight of the tip of a plant as it breaks the surface and reaches it arms to the sky. I love anything that grows, blooms or produces something to grace the table..A rain shower, the claps of thunder and flash of lightening druing a storm. I love the bright warm sun as it warms the earth and my body and soul. I love being high above the earth in a plane,looking out and wondering what is below me..I love sitting oh so quiet and remembering, remembering, remembering, those who have left our everyday life, those who have just come into it. those who are so very dear..

Ok since I can't say family and such....but that is the top of the list :)

I love it when Spring is in full bloom and the colors are fresh and vibrant and the smell of flowers is in the air

I love it when its the middle of the night when its so peaceful and you feel like your the only person in the world standing looking up at the sky

I love it when its fall and all the leaves are a vibrant array of fall colors.

I love the smell of a just bathed baby

I love the smell of puppy breath

I love the sound of a cat purring

I love to snuggle under fresh clean sheets

I love the feel of ear lobes....seriously :)

Ok....I could go on and on so I'll stop
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