Nobody eatin' this Sat. Dec 16th, '23?

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Feb 16, 2013
Waterdown, Ontario
Lo Mein - vegies were bok choy, mushrooms, sweet red pepper, scallion.
vegie Lo Mein 23.12.16 a.jpg

:cautious: I scarfed it down so fast I don't even know if it was good. Think I was hungry..
For years, I've been braising beef shanks for my wife in a mixture of V8 and beef broth. Of late, she has been wanting to avoid tomatoes on account of her stomach, so today I made the shanks with beef broth and red wine, with some sautéed onions and celery for flavor. I cooked it much the same way: I seasoned the shanks generously with kosher salt, pepper and dried basil, coated them with flour, browned them in canola oil and then cooked them in a pressure cooker (with the wine and broth and a bay leaf) for 20 minutes. I then transferred them to a saucepot, added a bit of water (my pressure cooker is old and some water inevitably steams out) and simmered about half an hour. I thickened my gravy with a slurry of corn starch and water and served with instant mashed potatoes.

I thought it was pretty good, although not as good as when I made it with the V8. If I were to do it again I'd add some rice vinegar to my broth and wine, for the acidity. My wife was a bit disappointed. Oh, well.

But that was for her. For my daughter and myself I made hot Jimmy Dean pork sausage with rice and medium salsa. Just brown the meat, add the rice, add the salsa and an appropriate amount of water in the big skillet. Stir, cover, simmer for the appropriate amount of time (for Ben's Original that's 20 minutes), and when the time is complete just turn it off and leave it covered for about 15 minutes. The rice absorbs all that flavor and gets really soft and tasty. So simple, so good.
What noodles do you use for your Lo Mein? For the life of me, I can't find any fresh egg "Lo Mein" noodles at any Asian market near me. So I usually make my own, which is great, but I can't seem to find a good recipe for the noodles of the infamous Lo.
BAP, it is "Rooster" brand 'Instant Noodles'. A 400 g pkg with 6 separate bundles of dry noodles. Packaged by Loblaws (Canada) out of China. I'll post a pic tomorrow.

Lately it has been my "go to" instant meal. Boil water, add noodles 5-6 minutes or so, drain, then add what-ever you find in the fridge. Cheese/vegies/soy sauce even just butter. Instant satisfaction.
I made a kit meal for Chicken Pad Thai...and it was surprisingly good! I would make that again. DH enjoyed it too, but wished for more noodles. I made a mental note of that. Getting ready to enjoy a cup of Greek Mountain Tea and watch a movie. And, no, we are not sick, just like the tea.
What noodles do you use for your Lo Mein? For the life of me, I can't find any fresh egg "Lo Mein" noodles at any Asian market near me. So I usually make my own, which is great, but I can't seem to find a good recipe for the noodles of the infamous Lo.
When I make stir fry, I use linguini in place of Lo Mein noodles. Maybe not technically the same, but they taste good and I can find them anywhere.
When I make stir fry, I use linguini in place of Lo Mein noodles. Maybe not technically the same, but they taste good and I can find them anywhere.
That's what I usually use. I used to feel that it was inauthentic, but then I saw a couple of Chinese YouTubers recommend that if you can't fine the right noodles.
I made Iberian-style-chorizo stuffed chicken breast again. We really enjoy that dish.We are getting old and don't eat as much as we used to, so we shared one chicken breast. It was still plenty. I served it with home fries and a green salad (Boston lettuce, rainbow chard, thinly sliced red onion, yellow bell pepper, corn kernels, and the leftover cooked onion from Wednesday's very simple tomato sauce), dressed with the last of my batch vinaigrette. Time to make some more.

Chorizo stuffed chicken breast, home fries, and salad with homemade vinaigrette.jpg
Chorizo stuffed chicken breast, home fries, and salad with homemade vinaigrette  sm.jpg
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Aunt Bea, being lazy is one thing, but eating frozen pizza? Couldn't you at least popped in the oven for a few minutes to defrost? :devilish:

taxy, do you have a recipe for that yummy sounding stuffed chicken breast?

BAP, as said they are ready in about 5-6 min or so. Just get them at the grocers. Hope you can find some.

and here's a teaspoon for comparison, there are 6 of those per pkg.
When I make stir fry, I use linguini in place of Lo Mein noodles. Maybe not technically the same, but they taste good and I can find them anywhere.
I use the noodles from the Top Ramen packets. I just save or throw away the seasoning packet.
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