Oktoberfest Potluck Dinner Idea

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Chef Extraordinaire
May 9, 2007
Southeastern Virginia
Hi, all! Tomorrow begins October, as our German exchange students would say! ?

We have friends in the neighborhood who have an annual potluck party. Usually it's earlier in the year, but this year it's tomorrow - October 1. So I had the idea to make a casserole filled with German goodies. Here's my plan:

2 lb. bratwurst, grilled or broiled, then sliced
2 lb. sauerkraut
1 lb. Yukon Gold potatoes, par-boiled and diced
1 lb. Gala apples, diced
1/4 cup grainy beer mustard
2 tsp caraway seeds
3 sprigs thyme
1 bottle beer

Mix all together in a large baking dish and bake, uncovered, till potatoes are cooked.

What do you think? Anything I should add? Leave out? Garnish ideas?

Thx :)
I dont know. I not used to adding sausages to ot and Oktober fest for me is ham hock , knödel, wiesswurst unt bier.
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Hi, all! Tomorrow begins October, as our German exchange students would say! ?

We have friends in the neighborhood who have an annual potluck party. Usually it's earlier in the year, but this year it's tomorrow - October 1. So I had the idea to make a casserole filled with German goodies. Here's my plan:

2 lb. bratwurst, grilled or broiled, then sliced
2 lb. sauerkraut
1 lb. Yukon Gold potatoes, par-boiled and diced
1 lb. Gala apples, diced
1/4 cup grainy beer mustard
2 tsp caraway seeds
3 sprigs thyme
1 bottle beer

Mix all together in a large baking dish and bake, uncovered, till potatoes are cooked.

What do you think? Anything I should add? Leave out? Garnish ideas?

Thx :)

That is very close to what my grandmother would make. Juniper berries were also used for flavoring. She would also interchange cabbage for the kraut. The potatoes (new potatoes) were added whole and not precooked. She didn't use apples in this "boiled dinner", but did put pork spareribs in and maybe a smoked pork hock. At the time any kind of wurst was not available locally and she used hotdogs. When she used the kraut, the dish was kind of "white", but the cabbage (both white and red) had contrasting colors. Condiments were several types of German mustard and cider vinegar.
Sounds delish as is, GG. :yum: We had a block party potluck here last weekend, they're fun.
Don't think I'd change anything either, GG. Sounds pretty German to me!
Thanks! I have caraway but not juniper, and sauerkraut but not cabbage, so I'll go with those. I could add some bacon for that smoky flavor. I think I'll check the garden for some fresh parsley to add a little color.
Sounds good to me, too, GG. Have fun at the block party. Wish we all could join you. Yup, I could see a whole contingent of DC members descending on your tidy neighborhood. :huh: On second thought,

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