Old Venting Thread

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Awww nuts, Allen.:LOL:
Is it too late to join the vent? Re: folks who call you "ma'am" instead of "miss". How about the blonde twenty year old barista who condescendingly called me "hun" when picking up my latte in the drive-through coffee place today? I figure she either was actually saying, "How nice they let you out of the rest home today...Do you need a fresh Depends?" or she just calls everyone "hun". I'm hoping for option B. :glare:
I think she calls everyone "hon". I have a bad habit of call people "sweetie", but when when I do, it's with endearment.
Here in South Carolina you get called everything from "honey" to "sweetie" to "baby," and it is not derogatory in any way. That is just how some of the people here talk. Mostly it is women, but not always. Even my doctor calls me sweetie.

:) Barbara
Isn't it amazing what rubs us the wrong way. I can stand the "endearments" as long as it isn't overdone. I understand they want to call you "something", but don't know your name, so they use the pet names. That is fine, but when someone says "sweetie this" and "sweetie that", I begin to think it is a bit much. I supppose as I get older and can't remember names as well I may have to resort to "endearments" also. I have 3 little grandaughters who all have 3 and 4 syllable names. It becomes an exercise in semantics and brain teasers to always say the right name at the right time. I'm beginning to understand why my mom literally "calls the roll' when talking to us. She may call 3 names before she gets to the right one. I've noticed myself calling my little grandson by my son's name a few times. I wonder what the psychology would be on this, or if it is just another human quirk as we grow older. BTW, this isn't venting - just wondering idly.
AllenMI said:
Last night, I was sitting in my recliner, watching TV. Suddenly, my 19" CRT monitor shorted out! It arced so badly, it literally scared the poop out of one of our cats!

Needless to say, I'm not exactly happy to loose a $300 monitor, but, I have a couple spares. One of those spare monitors apparently doesn't work anymore, but PeppA's old monitor does. Now I've got to get used to a 17".

Tell Santa that he better hurry up with your new one:LOL:
That's awful Allen!! That's a lot of money to literally go up in smoke.
Probably it is just my old virgo cynical self, but in too many situations being called "hun", "sweetie" "love" etc. sounds rather too sarcastic to me...:glare:
venting, huh? know when you cry to till it hurts? that's me. over so many different things. be it 10:14 or not, i am up for a drink already.:LOL:
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luvs_food said:
venting, huh? know when you cry to till it hurts? that's me. over so many different things. be it 10:14 or not, i am up for a drink already.:LOL:

Aww, Luvs, I hope you feel better!!
My husband often calls women "hon"...but it's not condescending, just sweet. He loves women. I use "Sweetie," "Honey", "Dear" and a lot of other endearments when talking to people. I'm old enough to do that.

Talking about lack of Christmas spirit, that's me. The almost 17 year old grandson we've raised since age 3 is now estranged from us, having fallen victom to methamphetamines. His birthday is on the 20th of December, but I doubt we'll be seeing him, since he stole and forged several of our checks. I haven't put the tree up...we usually bring in a big ficus from the greenhouse...and haven't ordered my poinsettias, because it's been too cold to deliver them. I'm in a "blue funk", and I just can't seem to snap out of it. :(
Sounds like you have a good reason to be in a funk Constance.
Drug habits ...they sure ruin a lot of lives. I'm sorry that you're dealing with it. I hope that your grandson gets help and that you can all be a family again.
Connie, that is so sad... every kids and youngsters would get into some crazy things which is just natural, but certain things are just plain dangerous and harmful which would do them or anyone, anything no good... it is too often that they realise way too late that they have been hurting themselves more than anyone else. I really hope he will find some good help and guidance soon, which he so badly needs right now, and will come back to the right track... (((Hugs)))
I'm sorry, Constance! Hopefully, your grandson will get the help he needs. Just know that he probably would never hurt you in anyway when he isn't messed up. Drugs do the worst to peoples minds and they just don't think what it does to their loved ones. Just try to remember that you sweet grandson is in there somewhere and will be back some day. {{{{hugs}}}}
Constance, I'm so sorry about this. I certainly hope help for him is eminent and things are better shortly. The song "Have yourself a merry little Christmas" always makes me teary eyed thinking that things aren't always right at Christmas, but there is hope that it will be better soon. Hope it is for you.
It will get better, Constance. We went through it with my brother in the teenage years, and it was awful to see, and still heart-wrenching to look back on. I agree with texas, drugs are mind-altering, he has no idea how much he has hurt you or other loved ones. With help and support and love, he will get better and overcome. Today, my brother is the best son, brother, husband, and daddy to three beautiful children. Sometimes hitting rock bottom is the only way to see up, and the family's love will bring him back. Our prayers are with you.
Thank you all so much for your words of encouragement. I can only pray that he finds his way.
After I posted here the other night, I gave myself a good talking to. I have a daughter with a precious little 7 year old boy and 2 fine step-sons to whom I am grandma, and 2 step children and their families who are like my own. Except for the son in Florida, they are all coming to my house for Christmas dinner, and I need to think about giving them a happy time.
We were doing quite well for this season and my grandaughter got served with papers to go to court next Tuesday 800 miles away. Her ex only wants their son when he is in school and she can't allow him to stay out of school to visit his dad then. Also ex is more than $10,000 in arrears in child support and she can't afford to take off time from work, get a new lawyer and pay expenses for the trip. He pays nothing, has no insurance and only calls him once in a great while. He works "under the table" so his wages can't be attached since he files no tax return, or has no SS or Wh deducted. I can't believe the court system allows crud of the earth to have such privileges and access to the court while paying nothing.
That's horrible. She needs to keep the court appointment and show that she is with the law, and tell them about how he is. Tell her to go to her local welfare office and ask them to refer a lawyer to help her get the child support and other things that the child needs. Most of the time, they will jump to help.
I agree about the deadbeats! My sister had one of those. She finally got the last payment last week. What is sad, her kids are now 24 and 21!! It took that long to pay what he owed.
Licia.. I'm sorry! I understand how your niece feels... I've been there and well it just plain SUCKS! I'll send her some warm wishes and some happy thoughts.
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