Old Venting Thread

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If the Dove ad-girl "dare's me" to show mine like she is showing hers, and then to make a film of it, she is gonna see a different set of "lumps" in her mailbox... Does this woman taking her shirt off every time you switch pages drive you bonkers?!?!?! Men are ineligible to respond to this question.

Edit: Wouldn't it be nice if Dove introduced a men's line, so we can watch him strip and flex his abs? Or we can ask Axe, or no, Calvin Klein to sponsor us. The Calvin guys are hot! Or Abercrombie. ok, I better stop. But hey, I am not mad anymore.
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I'm trying very hard to stay positive but, it seems like since my surgery life has been rattling me. I am fine- maybe that's the problem- I am wondering why I am I fine when so much heartache is going on around me. The day of my surgery,our friends who were expecting twins in May,went into early labor.They were expecting a little boy and a little girl.The little girl was born before the labor could be stopped and lived for 10 minutes dying in her parents arms.Labor was stopped before the little boy presented. The Mom was on bedrest for maybe 5 days when she developed a bladder infection and because of the bacteria labor was induced and the little boy was born at 2:30 am Monday.He weighs 1 lb 13oz and there is presence of bacteria is his system. We got a call from his Dad last night saying that he was told to stay because little Brady was having difficulty breathing.We haven't heard anything yet.(The little girl was named Breanna)
OK so if that wasn't bad enough, my first outing after my surgery was to go say good-bye to my friend Kathleen who was dying of pancreatic cancer.I got to spend 4 hours with her and she held my hand for almost the entire time. Kathleen was 53 had just recieved her nursing degree and was full of life. She had a smile that was brighter than sunshine and when she told stories, it ws like listening to a song from the melodious tone of her voice,laced with her Jamacian accent.She was a beautiful person through and through and the type of person this world could only benefit from. She passed last Friday.
This morning we recieved word that another friend of ours has passed from lymphoma.Maryann was my son Jymm's babysitter after school when he was 5 and 6 and her daughter Andrea and he were best friends.Maryann volunteered at every charity there was and always gave from her heart.Another soul that this earth is better off having here.Another soul that has left this earth far too early.I know this is not my decison, I know that this is not my choice but, Ican't help but,ask the powers that be what are you thinking??
Thank you for letting me vent.Now it's time for a good cry.
Wishing you all with all the power I can muster-love and energy, Vicki
vicki, hugs to you.

I came to vent but...after reading your post well, it just doesn't matter any more.
Oh Vicki, sometimes (many times) it is very hard to understand. I just try to keep faith that there is a plan but it doesn't stop me from questioning.

Big hugs, Vicki.

PDS, it does put things in perspective, doesn't it? :(
As beautiful as life is, at times, we have to wonder why? We all do and then we realize that, why doesn't help, but that finding a way to help others eases some of the pain. You've been through a lot and it seems to me this is doubly hard for you. Focus on all the love you gave to these who are now at peace, think about all they gave to you. Cry, pray for them and let the sun back in, be what they know you to be and it will bring a smile to their lips. It helps us heal from lifes hurts.Many prayers will be sent for your friends and to you. Prayer and love are great healers.

I'm so sorry for your losses Vicki. Its hard to understand why the good Lord takes the innocent and good ones when there is so much ugly in this world....why doesn't he take the bad ones instead. But there's a reason for everything and we'll understand that one day. For those of use left behind its a reminder of how precious this life is and to live it the best way you can and to let those around you always know how much you love and treasure them.
Oh Vicky, my heart aches for you. I wish I had some beautiful inspiring words to make this all make sense, but I just don't. I'm hugging you in spirit and sharing your tears.
Pdswife, in no way will your vent be ignored. Every vent is necessary and welcome. Some are just deeper hurts than others.
Absolutely...........thats the beauty of this topic.......doesn't do anyone any good to keep that frustration pent up inside..... let it out girl ;). No matter how big or small if it bothers you then its worth getting of your chest.
Love and hugs Vicki. Just as you were lovingly there for those you loved the most in their deepest hour, we are here for you also now. My heart goes out to you in your grieving. Just as you wish to take others pain away with your love and thoughts, so do we. Blessings. :angel:
Thank you all for your love and comfort- I knew this was a safe place to shed the tears.(((Pds))) please let your feelings out here - you will feel so much better I wish you love and energy to get you through your problem and love and energy to all of you, Vicki
All We Can Do

No words can comfort

All we can do
Is share your
North face route with you.
No one can take
Your pain away
Or cut bereavement's journey short.
Perhaps you would not want them to
Your grief is all that's left to you
Of one so loved
Who could not stay.
All we can do
Is walk with you
And try to match
Our steps to yours.
Friends do not need
Don't waste your strength
To make response
Just keep on walking
Day by day .
But let us share
That cold road too
To walk a little
Way with you.

( by Mary Sheepshanks
Thanks guys. I just wanted to say that I'm sick of unkind, stab you in the back, unfair, mean, ugly, people that are power hungry and use the power that they have to hurt the people that I love!

We're having neighbor problems and it's getting worse daily. My poor hubby is suffering because of it and it makes me mad.

Thanks, that felt good.
pds.........i hope a resolution happens quickly so that peace of mind can come to both you and your husband. I know how frustrating it is with neighbors that don't think of others or how they treat others.
yeesh...i know about power hungry people.

I have this one teacher who is just so annoying! We have a major project going and she's making it due for Friday! It's definitly not enought time! And what annoys me the most is that she says we can do it all during class but i've spent hours working on it at home! AND...she's been away all week so we can't ask her any questions. grrrr.

ok...i feel a little better now. ;)
Wow, Vicky, I was going to vent about something, but after reading your post, it sounds so trivial that I'd be ashamed to complain about it. Your post brought tears to my eyes. The only thing I can tell you is to say Thanks G-d you are okay, you are alive. Everything that comes from G-d is good. Unfortunately, some times we can't see the goodness. As one great person said, I wish you that all the good that comes to you will be reviled good, so you do not ever have to wonder. I wish you all the revile good too...
Heavy heart, and the tears flow too freely, still loving the one that is the curse and the cure. praying for the tears to end, and hope, faith, and understanding to enter soon to ease the pain.
:) If I remember correctly Shannon this person is monitoring you on this site so maybe you guys should PM instead dont give him any more info on whats going on with you, if he can he may use it againts you,I say this with respect but but he is getting way to much insight here.KAPISH?
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