Onion Bagels

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Andy M.

Certified Pretend Chef
Sep 1, 2004
In response to a couple of requests, here is my recipe for onion bagels. Many onion bagels have dried onion flakes on top of the bagels but they tend to burn upon toasting so I put the onion flavor into the bagels.

I like these toasted with cream cheese and lox.

Onion Bagels

700 Gr Warm Tap Water (2⅝ C)
2 Pkg Active Dry Yeast
2 Tb Sugar
1100 Gr Bread Flour
1 Tb Kosher Salt
⅜ C Toasted Onion Flakes
2 tsp Onion Powder
½ Tb Oil
1 Tb Sugar

Combine the water, yeast, and the sugar in the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a dough hook (coat the top part of the hook with oil). Stir and let stand until foamy, about 10 minutes depending on room temperature.

Separately combine the flour, salt, onion flakes and onion powder. Turn the mixer on to the lowest speed and gradually add the dry ingredients to the mixer bowl. Mix until the dough comes together. Continue mixing for 7 minutes at speed setting 4 until a stiff dough is formed.

Remove the dough from the bowl and oil the bowl. Place the dough back in the bowl, turning the dough to coat it completely with oil. Place plastic wrap directly onto the dough surface and let it rise in a warm spot until doubled in size.

Preheat the oven to 400º F.

Bring 4 quarts of water and 1 tablespoon of sugar to boiling in the widest pan available (5[FONT=PC&#47749]½-qt. sauté pan). Line three baking sheets with parchment paper.

[/FONT] Remove the dough from the bowl and knead briefly by hand to deflate it. Using a scale and a calculator, remove 1/18th of the dough from the bowl and form it into a smooth ball then poke your finger through the center of a ball and twirl it around your finger to enlarge it to a 3[FONT=PC&#47749]½-4 inch diameter. Repeat for all the dough. Place the shaped bagels on a floured surface and cover with a towel.

[/FONT] Place bagels top down into the boiling water and boil for 1 minute, flipping them over after 30 seconds. Remove the boiled bagels to the baking sheet. Repeat until three pans are filled with six bagels each.

Place the three pans into the oven and bake for 35 minutes or until medium golden brown. Move the pans around from shelf to shelf and turn them front to back during the baking time to ensure even baking.

Cool completely before wrapping for storage.
YUM Thank you for posting this.

BTW Can I saute/caramelize some fresh onion? I don't have any dry onion flakes. :(
yum is right! thanks andy.

the best onion breads from bakeries around me top theirs with diced raw onion. the pieces are just large enough that they don't burn up badly, just a bit of edge char.

Have you tried non-diastatic malt in your bagels? My bagel guy says that is the key to the best bagels (I think he actually puts crack in them to get them so addictive). He did mention you have to be careful not too add too much, but if you get it right it takes them to the next level.

Have you tried non-diastatic malt in your bagels? My bagel guy says that is the key to the best bagels (I think he actually puts crack in them to get them so addictive). He did mention you have to be careful not too add too much, but if you get it right it takes them to the next level.
Where would you get that?

Have you tried non-diastatic malt in your bagels? My bagel guy says that is the key to the best bagels (I think he actually puts crack in them to get them so addictive). He did mention you have to be careful not too add too much, but if you get it right it takes them to the next level.

No I haven't tried that. I know it's a common add in. I use sugar in the water to boil the bagels.
From the KA site:

Add it to the dough, then again to the boiling water to give bagels their distinctive shiny crust.
Andy, do you happen to have step-by-step pictures? That would be awesome if you could add them here.

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