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Awe, Carol, I am sorry to hear that Rusty is having problems. I hope that when he heals from the surgery things will turn around for him.

I know what you mean though. It seems that all our rescues need a lot of TLC and a good bank account!
Not my pets, but I thought this was funny. "Umm...excuse me, have you seen our ball?"

Ahh...Steve Miller Band...now I have that song stuck in my head.

My two are watching CatTV at the patio door. Just put out sunflower seeds so they have something to watch.
I have a few songs I sing to Beagle: Seasons Don't Fear the Beagle (Blue Oyster Cult), Mama Beagle (Abba), and some others. They also have the added advantage of driving DH crazy.
Beagle wouldn't be caught dead in the sea. She even hated the swimming pool, and refuses to go outside if it's raining!
I have a few songs I sing to Beagle: Seasons Don't Fear the Beagle (Blue Oyster Cult), Mama Beagle (Abba), and some others. They also have the added advantage of driving DH crazy.

I'd say the added advantage is worth the time to make up more songs...
Rufus or is it Doofus...

Here are some pics that turned out, he's usually just a black streak in your side vision.


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That's what kittens are for! Lol! Good luck keeping up with him! :)

I never knew how much fun a cut up paper towel core could be! I cut it in 1" rings and he chases them every where.:ROFLMAO:

No glass of water is safe, Rufus drinks from any he can find.
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I never knew how much fun a cut up paper towel core could be! I cut it in 1" rings and he chases them every where.:ROFLMAO:

No glass of water is safe, Rufus drinks from any he can find.
That's why we used to drink water out of travel mugs and bottles.

What a cutie pie. Good for you for taking a black cat. They are much harder to find homes for than other colours.
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