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Thanks everyone. She was a treasure.


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4th Of July

Started early this year.
Were having trouble with our Lil' Sky.She's absolutely terrified of the loud booms and firecrackers.
She was adopted from a war zone city.Gunshots are normal.:huh::(

Giving and showing her safe places to go hasn't helped.
So far her favorite spot is my bed hiding under the sheets.I'm alright with that.;)
She's really been missing Sophie and Trub.They always protected her.
Were missing them as well.Wishing I could go to a shelter and adopt a new one.But it wouldn't be fair to them.
That will be my first agenda when we get this move over with.I can't be without a dog.

Just made her an appmt for Friday to get her a physical and some medication to help her cope.

Our town ordinance is very strict about fireworks, lucky for us. My two are not scared of them, they just roll their eyes. My Smudge was very scared of fireworks and any loud noises, like thunder.
I've had various dogs afraid of thunder and fireworks, others that couldn't care less. LOL... had one German Shepherd that would just raise an eyebrow to see that things were still OK. I personally like a good noisy storm but one night a tree barely 1 klic away was hit. Man that was loud and did I jumped - Shaft just lifted the proverbial eye brow at me... What a dog! :LOL:

My current companion, Maya, gets excited - thinks someone is out there shooting rats and WHY isn't she out there too! "Com'on ma! Open the door! I can catch'em faster than you can shoot them!" ...and she could too! I'd shoot one and she'd catch two. sigh...
Started early this year.
Were having trouble with our Lil' Sky.She's absolutely terrified of the loud booms and firecrackers.
She was adopted from a war zone city.Gunshots are normal.:huh::(

Giving and showing her safe places to go hasn't helped.
So far her favorite spot is my bed hiding under the sheets.I'm alright with that.;)
She's really been missing Sophie and Trub.They always protected her.
Were missing them as well.Wishing I could go to a shelter and adopt a new one.But it wouldn't be fair to them.
That will be my first agenda when we get this move over with.I can't be without a dog.

Just made her an appmt for Friday to get her a physical and some medication to help her cope.

Have you tried one of the plug-in diffusers, such as Feliwell For Dogs, that produce pheromones that calm stressed dogs. A friend adopted a dog from abroad with the same problem as yours and the diffuser worked well.
Have you tried one of the plug-in diffusers, such as Feliwell For Dogs, that produce pheromones that calm stressed dogs. A friend adopted a dog from abroad with the same problem as yours and the diffuser worked well.

Thank you for the info I'll have to look that up.
Never heard of it before.Sounds like a good idea if it works.
We have several aroma therapy diffuser's that are always in use.
Do the dog one's smell? I like Lilac.Will the house smell like a kennel?

Sky is a 5Lb, if that Chihuahua.Their known for being tremble chin shakers.

Thank you for the info I'll have to look that up.
Never heard of it before.Sounds like a good idea if it works.
We have several aroma therapy diffuser's that are always in use.
Do the dog one's smell? I like Lilac.Will the house smell like a kennel?

Sky is a 5Lb, if that Chihuahua.Their known for being tremble chin shakers.


When granddaughter was here with her chihuahua he’d run and hide under her bed or the living room sofa when he got scared. If you rang the doorbell a couple of times he’d come charging to the front door barking incessantly as it was his duty to protect us all from the evil doorbell ringers.
I went in town for a post op exam that didn't exist. There was someone on the doctor's clerical staff that made the change and forgot to call me to let me know. I wasn't happy and neither was Winthrop or my driver. So I leave, head for Winthrop to get my medications. Then come home and was exhausted. I am laying down and hear Teddy whimpering right next to my bed. He wants up on my bed. So Pirate lifts him up and puts him on my bed. He got right on my arm and changed his tone as I patted him. Before you know it we are both asleep for an hour. Just having him next to me is such good medicine. Even Pirate says the same thing. When he is having a bad day with his neuropathy, without even being called to his room, Teddy can jump up on his bed and for some strange reason beyond my understanding, he always knows when one of us needs him. And he know who needs him the most. That dog, what can I say. I just love him.

He is an eight years old All White Maltese. And very YAPPY. But he always seems to know when either one of us is sleeping. Then he gives out that little tiny Yap to let us know when someone is at our door instead of one of the other five doors in the alcove. Pirate wants to get a newborn kitten so Teddy can have a playmate. Animals know when they are dealing with a baby and makes friends with them, rather that harm them. I think it is a good idea.

I am open to all suggestions.
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I went in town for a post op exam that didn't exist. There was someone on the doctor's clerical staff that made the change and forgot to call me to let me know. I wasn't happy and neither was Winthrop or my driver. So I leave, head for Winthrop to get my medications. Then come home and was exhausted. I am laying down and hear Teddy whimpering right next to my bed. He wants up on my bed. So Pirate lifts him up and puts him on my bed. He got right on my arm and changed his tone as I patted him. Before you know it we are both asleep for an hour. Just having him next to me is such good medicine. Even Pirate says the same thing. When he is having a bad day with his neuropathy, without even being called to his room, Teddy can jump up on his bed and for some strange reason beyond my understanding, he always knows when one of us needs him. And he know who needs him the most. That dog, what can I say. I just love him.

He is an eight years old All White Maltese. And very YAPPY. But he always seems to know when either one of us is sleeping. Then he gives out that little tiny Yap to let us know when someone is at our door instead of one of the other five doors in the alcove. Pirate wants to get a newborn kitten so Teddy can have a playmate. Animals know when they are dealing with a baby and makes friends with them, rather that harm them. I think it is a good idea.

I am open to all suggestions.
Dogs (and other animals) are very intuitive. Over here there are assistance dogs who are trained to know when their owner is about to have an epileptic attack or if a diabetic is about to go into a coma, and even some who can detect very early breast cancer, to name but a few illnesses. A neighbour where I used to live had an assistance Labrador who fetched his medicine at the right times without being told.

Many years ago I knew a girl who was epileptic and who had a pony who knew when she was about to have a "fit" and would stop and refuse to go any further. The curious thing was - he always knew before she and her parents did that that a "fit" was imminent so they were able to get her off before it started. He hadn't been taught this - it was instinctive.
I think there is actually a smell associated with having an epileptic seizure that animals can detect more easily than humans.
Started early this year.
Were having trouble with our Lil' Sky.She's absolutely terrified of the loud booms and firecrackers.
She was adopted from a war zone city.Gunshots are normal.:huh::(

Giving and showing her safe places to go hasn't helped.
So far her favorite spot is my bed hiding under the sheets.I'm alright with that.;)
She's really been missing Sophie and Trub.They always protected her.
Were missing them as well.Wishing I could go to a shelter and adopt a new one.But it wouldn't be fair to them.
That will be my first agenda when we get this move over with.I can't be without a dog.

Just made her an appmt for Friday to get her a physical and some medication to help her cope.

Munky, with the Fourth of July coming up, I've been seeing ads for Thunder Shirts for dogs that are supposed to keep them calm. I remember LP using one for her dog and she said it worked well. Might be worth a try.

Munky, with the Fourth of July coming up, I've been seeing ads for Thunder Shirts for dogs that are supposed to keep them calm. I remember LP using one for her dog and she said it worked well. Might be worth a try.

Dog Anxiety Vest | Shop Dog Anxiety Treatments | ThunderWorks

I'm passing all this info onto my son.
Sky is his dog.I'm Gamma.The one that let's her get away with anything.
Disciplining isn't my job anymore.:LOL::ROFLMAO:
I like that shirt.She's already used to wearing a vest that he puts on her that attaches to a leash that he uses to buckle her in to a seat belt.

Wonder if they have one in my size?:ROFLMAO::LOL:
Thank you for the suggestion.


Sky was prescribed Trazodone 50mg tablets.
She's to take 1/4 of the pill 1to2 hours before the stressful events start.
My son gave her a dose last night.It worked for what the neighbors were setting off.She heard them but didn't try to run and hide.No shaking.
The big test will be on the 4th.The city is putting on a display that will be a 2 hour show.We get the whole view right in out back yard.

Sky was prescribed Trazodone 50mg tablets.
She's to take 1/4 of the pill 1to2 hours before the stressful events start.
My son gave her a dose last night.It worked for what the neighbors were setting off.She heard them but didn't try to run and hide.No shaking.
The big test will be on the 4th.The city is putting on a display that will be a 2 hour show.We get the whole view right in out back yard.


Alternative... Vodka and kibble -- 1.5 oz. :ohmy::LOL:

I live near a baseball stadium where they do fireworks whenever the home team wins. Psycho-poodle doesn't even lift his head off the pillow. Same thing with thunderstorms... and even tornado sirens. If we ever have an actual tornado, I'll probably have to carry him to my pseudo-shelter.

As for July 4, there are only well-regulated fireworks shows here. My city is serious about "no home fireworks." Pretty much every city employee is on patrol on the forth, and the minimum fine is around 300 bucks.

We live on a dry prairie. I had a NYE party every year at my first house, and one year, my friends brought fireworks. I had a BIG backyard, and they caught it on fire at midnight. Nothing will sober you up faster than a wife shouting, "THE BACKYARD IS ON FIRE!!!" Of course, all of the garden hoses were inside for the winter. It wasn't pretty. :ermm:


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Sky was prescribed Trazodone 50mg tablets.
She's to take 1/4 of the pill 1to2 hours before the stressful events start.
My son gave her a dose last night.It worked for what the neighbors were setting off.She heard them but didn't try to run and hide.No shaking.
The big test will be on the 4th.The city is putting on a display that will be a 2 hour show.We get the whole view right in out back yard.


I'm glad you found something that works for Sky.
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