Perfect French Fries ? Question for the deep fried Pro.

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Assistant Cook
Oct 9, 2013
I started a BBQ booth this pass week and Im still trying to perfect my french fries. I bought two FryMaster deep Fryers. My goal was to use one to cook it once and the second to cook it twice. Ive tried it so many ways and can only get them a little crispy.

Does anyone here have experience making the perfect french fry? Right now Im using canola oil. I want to make the switch to Peanut oil. I have 10 gallons of canola oil so I don't want to just switch it. Im thinking I might to get the fry I want.

5 Guys uses peanut oil and their drys are not crispy. They also don't cook them at two temps. They cook twice at 345 degrees.

If you sell french drys they better be good. Can someone with experience help me out.


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Is there a forum out there just for deep frying. Asking a deep fry question on a bbq forum is not very easy when most are here for bbq.
Some things to consider...

Use russet potatoes - not all potatoes make great fries and some will never give you the desired texture.

There are several ways to make fries. The double cook method is especially nice because you can do the first cook and then cool down the fries. The second fry is fast and makes service go smoother.

Oil temp: yours is not hot enough imo for the second cook. 375 is more like it and this is why folk use peanut oil - it has a higher smoke point.

You could consider soaking cut fries in ice water and then drying before the first cook. This removes some starch that causes early browning.

Cook the fries until soft the first time BUT don't let them brown. Flash fry them at a higher temp for the second fry. This won't take very long....
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I got the best french fry at cooking them at 325 first and then cooking them for one minute at 375. I was going to switch to peanut oil until I tried that way. They made good crispy fries. Im sure peanut oil would be much better.
There is not 1major hamburg chain that uses peanut oil,
If any chain restaurant s use it I haven't seen it.
Look elsewhere for your problem it's not your oil.
Most restaurant s use a blend.
There is not 1major hamburg chain that uses peanut oil,
If any chain restaurant s use it I haven't seen it.
Look elsewhere for your problem it's not your oil.
Most restaurant s use a blend.

Not burgers but Chic Fil'a used to and only stopped because of fears about allergies. It fries fine.

OP, keep your temps high around 375. Double frying works and for tutorial search Alton Brown's method.
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I have always doubled fried, my French Fries. The first fry is the important one, this is where you are actually cooking the potato. This is also the lower heat fry. I fry mine at 325° for about 5 to 6 minutes, or until they start to change to a yellowy, light golden color. Remove them from the oil, increase the oil temperature to 375°-390° and place fries back into the oil for 1-2 minutes, until they turn golden brown. Remove salt immediately after removing from the oil.

Also, I use either canola, or vegetable oils, sometimes a mixture of the 2. You have to watch what oils you are using, because the flash points are different. If you are using a mixture of 2 or more make sure you do the math and find what the new flash point will be. If not you could be look at some very serious problems.
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What Max said plus put your sliced potatoes in some ice water to keep them cool and to remove some of the starch
Canola oil gives me a case of ingestion from heck. I think the stuff is poisonous. Peanut oil would be a big improvement. I stumbled over this strategy form a dumb portugese yankee from Falls River not sure he knows sheet from shineola. If you doing large batches may not work. Might want to snag some stuff called Tater White. Thats what the restaurants use to make them stay pretty.

Perfect French Fries

Emeril Lagasse, 2003
Serves: 4

4 large russet potatoes peeled and cut into 1/4"X1.4" batons
2 qt peanut oil
Salt and pepper

Rinse cut potatoes in a large bowl with lots of cold running water until water becomes clear.
Cover with water by 1-inch and cover with ice.
Refrigerate at least 30 minutes or up to 2 days.
In a 5-qt pot or Dutch oven fitted with a candy or deep-frying thermometer, (or in an electric deep fryer), heat oil over medium-low heat to 325 F.
Make sure that you have at least 3 inches of space between the top of the oil and the top of the pan, as fries will bubble up when they are added.
Drain ice water from cut fries and wrap potato pieces in a clean dishcloth or tea towel and thoroughly pat dry.
Increase the heat to medium-high and add fries, a handful at a time, to the hot oil.
Fry, stirring occasionally, until potatoes are soft and limp and begin to turn a blond color, about 6 to 8 minutes.
Using a skimmer or a slotted spoon, carefully remove fries from the oil and set aside to drain on paper towels.
Let rest for at least 10 minutes or up to 2 hours.
When ready to serve the French fries, reheat the oil to 350 F.
Transfer the blanched potatoes to the hot oil and fry again, stirring frequently, until golden brown and puffed, about 1 minute.
Transfer to paper lined platter and sprinkle with salt and pepper, to taste.
Serve immediately.

There's different types of fries - but for classic french fries, it's more about how you cut and prepare it. Cut them smaller and they will fry faster. Remove the skin if you want them more evenly cooked as well (although the skin adds a grittiness that enhances the taste - matter of preference really).

If you can, blanche them first before frying.
the KEY to deep frying most anything is a 50/50 mix of beef tallow to oil
a 25/75 will give you good results but the 50/50 is the best
hope you try it
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