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My son got home from work around 8:30pm. He grabbed a poncho (it's raining) and a flashlight and walked for about an hour and a half in the area she went missing without any luck. We decided to put a can of food out by the dumpster hoping she would find it. He opened the can and she came running before he even got it set on the ground. Thankful she's home and safe. She's a bit wet from the weather but otherwise unharmed. I hope we don't have to go through this again! I think if she hops in the car with DH again, he'll put her in the house. He's so used to the dog staying by his side he assumed the cat would also. He was as upset as the rest of us.

I am so happy for you and Salem. I just love good news. Now I can have happy thoughts as I fall asleep. :angel: And one for Salem. It seems lie he had one watching over him. :angel:
... We decided to put a can of food out by the dumpster hoping she would find it. He opened the can and she came running before he even got it set on the ground. Thankful she's home and safe....

Definitely thankful she came home. I saw your "cat missing" in another thread I read earlier, but this post is infinitely better! Food definitely works. When our first cat would slip out of the house we'd each grab a lunchmeat bag and start shaking the bag and calling her name. Only one time did that not work (we had out-of-town guests staying with their dog and I think Midnight ran away from the dog and the lady owner ;) ) but she came back a day or so later. So happy you guys were apart for a short time. If Salem is OK with a harness and leash I suggest Paul uses them to take Salem for rides in the future.
An update on my zoo crew!

Tucker, is now 14 weeks old as of today. He is growing & growing & he's a handful but he's turning out to be a good dog. He still has his puppy moments & likes to chew up my throw rugs but that's okay, they can be replaced.

Penny, the 1 year old had her surgery for her hernia & was spayed at the same time. She's all healed up & Tucker is teaching her to be a puppy. I don't think she ever had the chance to be one before. The two of them go on these puppy rampages that are just crazy.

Smokey, my old girl who will be 8 in July seems to tolerate the Tuckerman as good as can be expected. She plays but it's on her terms. She's having some allergy issues right now & that was the start of her brother's health problems so of course that has me concerned. she's my girl & I will do everything I can to keep her healthy.

We took them camping & since we are on private family land they had the freedom to run without leashes. they had a blast but you could see that Smokey really missed her brother. She had fun but she didn't have anyone to take off on her usual run that could last up to an hour or two. I felt bad for her.

Tucker found out that the one water dish we keep up there is fun to play & splash in so he went nuts splashing around. It was really cute. Another time a teen had him on his back giving him a belly rub & he happy pee'd all over himself. Thank goodness I took the shampoo up there and that we have a tub so he could get a bath.

Anyways, the kids are doing great & I am enjoying as much time as I can with them.
Aw Matey, your puppy tale is so cute it makes me want to go get a doggy! But one cat is more than enough for now since she is our Princess Pet. :rolleyes: Himself says kittty is spoiled - methinks he hasn't looked in the mirror lately. :LOL:
The joy that these little ones brings to my life is priceless. I don't want to go back to work, I want to be a stay at home puppy mom.
My son got home from work around 8:30pm. He grabbed a poncho (it's raining) and a flashlight and walked for about an hour and a half in the area she went missing without any luck. We decided to put a can of food out by the dumpster hoping she would find it. He opened the can and she came running before he even got it set on the ground. Thankful she's home and safe. She's a bit wet from the weather but otherwise unharmed. I hope we don't have to go through this again! I think if she hops in the car with DH again, he'll put her in the house. He's so used to the dog staying by his side he assumed the cat would also. He was as upset as the rest of us.

I went through this with my last doggie. She went missing for a week. I'm just paranoid about keeping my animals secure. But she still took a walk. And I do mean, a long walk. many miles. It is a small town, and she went cross-country for many miles. A woman called me and said that her sister had a farm and her son found a dog answering my description under a shed. Yes, that skeleton turned out to be my dog. To this day, I think that Keiki really wanted to find her mom (Her mother had died the week before).
I went through this with my last doggie. She went missing for a week. I'm just paranoid about keeping my animals secure. But she still took a walk. And I do mean, a long walk. many miles. It is a small town, and she went cross-country for many miles. A woman called me and said that her sister had a farm and her son found a dog answering my description under a shed. Yes, that skeleton turned out to be my dog. To this day, I think that Keiki really wanted to find her mom (Her mother had died the week before).

I was warned by my vet to make sure Smokey stayed on her leash for the same reason.

I'm so sorry this happened to you
I went through this with my last doggie. She went missing for a week. I'm just paranoid about keeping my animals secure. But she still took a walk. And I do mean, a long walk. many miles. It is a small town, and she went cross-country for many miles. A woman called me and said that her sister had a farm and her son found a dog answering my description under a shed. Yes, that skeleton turned out to be my dog. To this day, I think that Keiki really wanted to find her mom (Her mother had died the week before).

The last time we had Salem to the vet, we reported her success with the doggie door. I would have been happy if she never figured it out but she did and can come and go at her leisure. The vet reassured me that as a spayed female she wouldn't wander far from home like males do. I wouldn't have been as worried except she was in an unfamiliar area. Just happy to have the little hunter back home in spite of the presents she brings in!
Both of my cats, it takes them 15 minutes to convince themselves that outside exists. By the time they figure it out I'm done unloading the car and they may have made it past the doorway.
Both of my cats, it takes them 15 minutes to convince themselves that outside exists. By the time they figure it out I'm done unloading the car and they may have made it past the doorway.

Outside! :ohmy: That's a scary place! :LOL: At least I think that's the way our kitty looks at it. One clear summer Saturday night Himself went out to look at the stars (3 years of astronomy classes will do that to you) and didn't notice kitty followed. She IS mostly black! Comes in, closes door, goes to bed. The next morning I'm coming down the steps. As I do I always look out the sidelights to our front door. I think "that kitty looks like Littlebit" until a get a couple steps further. Then I realize it IS Littlebit. :ermm: When I opened the door she shot me a look (what? I'm not the one who left you out all night -sheesh) and sauntered into the house. I told Himself there was a good chance kitty hadn't left the porch all night. Couldn't get her little puddy tat paws dirty, could she? :rolleyes:

Little Puddy Tat almost got squashed to death tonight. She has a habit of running ahead of us, then stopping dead and sometimes even laying down. Can't decide if she's trying to kill us or that she has a death wish. Anyway, usually when she's stepped on she lets out one yelp and then stalks away to hide. Tonight she didn't make a noise for about half a minute, then started to make strange crying noises like she did the time she got seriously ill. I picked her up and she started to go all limp, her rear legs stretching out stiffly and her toes splaying wide. She got a bit wild-eyed and I got panicky. After a couple minutes of cuddling and cooing to her she bounced back to normal, then went and hid behind a chair, hugging the baseboard. I guess Himself must have stepped with full weight (and that's a LOT of weight) on her tail and the pain was bad enough to put her into a bit of a shock. But she's herself now and I guess it was a one-time event.
One of these days I'm going to be killed by stepping on a cat...I haven't hit the floor yet, but it's been close. Latté is getting rather nasty about it being time for bed...I guess I better git and turn myself into a cat bed.
i hear ya, pf.

the latest addition to our family, samuel a. yoder, a parking lot/garbage hopper stray we brought home from amish country last fall (hence his name) is under foot whenever it's feeding or belly rubbing time.

he's either gonna get crushed one day, or i'm gonna hit the deck. hard.
Is there anything more terrifying that the screech a stepped on cat can make? Keeps your heart going. And that screech can make you feel so guilty. :angel:
Latté usually catches me in the narrow hallway, in the dark...lots of sharp edges to hit, she blends right into the dark carpet. So she's either goin to trip me or I will be wearing her as a slipper...

Poor Smudge has a kink in her tail from being stepped on.
Yesterday was a Patron day at good pictures, though! He was wheezy and so I was trying to check out his breathing with a stethoscope, all I could get was his heart sounds. So fast I couldn't even count them. His mom is taking him to the vet this morning, he's got me worried.
Yesterday was a Patron day at good pictures, though! He was wheezy and so I was trying to check out his breathing with a stethoscope, all I could get was his heart sounds. So fast I couldn't even count them. His mom is taking him to the vet this morning, he's got me worried.

Poor Patron. He is so small. Do let us know what the vet says. :angel: And one for Patron. :angel:
Yesterday was a Patron day at work....

While first reading that I thought "they had margaritas? I wanna work with PF!" Then I realized you weren't talking about Patrón. *sigh*

Watched the Chew today; Stephanie March made a really good looking margarita and I'm not even particularly fond of the drink. Maybe it's gonna be one of "those" days? :wacko:
Is there anything more terrifying that the screech a stepped on cat can make? Keeps your heart going. And that screech can make you feel so guilty. :angel:

Except that when Himself first stepped on kitty she didn't make a sound! THAT is unusual. That and her wimpering little cries after that lasted a few minutes that got me really scared.

Little BitsyBoo is fine today but I think she learned her lesson: as soon as Himself started to move around today she slapped herself against the family room baseboard behind the chair. No one's getting to her there! :)
While first reading that I thought "they had margaritas? I wanna work with PF!" Then I realized you weren't talking about Patrón. *sigh*

Watched the Chew today; Stephanie March made a really good looking margarita and I'm not even particularly fond of the drink. Maybe it's gonna be one of "those" days? :wacko:

LOL! Patron also means "Boss" and his Mom really likes Patrón, that's how he got his name. Patron has been King of the office for almost 2 years and he weighs 3 pounds.


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