Holy green bananas Batman!
My handy man was over a couple hours ago and while discussing the new shelf system he's building for me, he says "What's that noise I'm hearing?".
Well, for various reasons, I have very little hearing and didn't hear anything. He says; "It sounds like it's coming from your floor vent". He opens the vent and it has water standing in it.
He went outside and looked under the house and told me "There's a LOT of water under there. You have something leaking. He estimated the distances and said it has to be under your laundry room.
He cut out part of the flooring, and yep, a water line had cracked and was spraying like crazy. The well pump is pretty far from the house and I didn't hear it running until we opened the well-house door. The well pump was just running and running and running.....Yikes!
Well, he's off to buy parts and wood for the flooring. The water is shut off at the well and 10 gallons of water is in the tub in 2 gallon jugs for using the toilet.
I'm so lucky to have a handy man that really knows his stuff. This guy knows everything that is to know about houses.
He's a heck of a good friend also. Sometimes, I have to make sure he is "on-the-clock" when he does stuff around here. He's such a nice person that he'll do things without even mentioning them to me. I never want to take advantage of his friendship. When it's work, it deserves pay.
When it's not work, it's friends and I have a great one!
Well, they say it happens in threes. That's two.
OMG, what's next!?