Petty Vents

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I have developed a very scary and dangerous habit. I put things on to cook and forget about them...until the smoke detector starts to beep. So I started a new habit. Set the timer for 10-20 minutes depending on what the item is, even if I'm just boiling water for something, and the check it every time the timer goes off. The worst part is, I used to get so angry when my mother did that and was always burning her pots and pans. We all know what payback is.....

The bad part about setting the timer, if DH is in the room and I am not, he turns off the stove when the timer goes off, whether the item is done or not. Timer goes off, it must be done! LOL
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I have developed a very scary and dangerous habit. I put things on to cook and forget about them...until the smoke detector starts to beep. So I started a new habit. Set the timer for 10-20 minutes depending on what the item is, even if I'm just boiling water for something, and the check it every time the timer goes off. The worst part is, I used to get so angry when my mother did that and was always burning her pots and pans. We all know what payback is.....

The bad part about setting the timer, if DH is in the room and I am not, he turns off the stove when the timer goes off, whether the item is done or not. Timer goes off, it must be done! LOL

He might be related to my wife.. When we got together, the deal was I cook, she cleans.. I finally had to ban her from the kitchen because, I'd prep something, turn to do something else and she would wash whatever I used.. I'd turn around and, no knife, no bowl or whatever I'd just used.. She wanted to help... :LOL:

. . . I finally had to ban her from the kitchen because, I'd prep something, turn to do something else and she would wash whatever I used.. I'd turn around and, no knife, no bowl or whatever I'd just used.. She wanted to help... :LOL:


My SO is her sister! You described her to a "T".
What frustrates me is that I no longer retain much of what I read.. My short term memory is shot.. I will read a book or an author I really enjoy and I can't tell you, a week later, what book or author it was.. I can remember authors and books I read 20 years ago but, not last week.. I can make a 20 year old dish but have to look at the recipe for anything recent.. Getting old is not for sissy's.. My daughter tells me to make a list for reference.. Good idea but, other than being a bit frustrating, it doesn't really bother me until someone asks me about a book or recipe..


Ross, sorry to hear you are having memory retention problems. My mom is also having short-term memory problems, but hers is a result of the aneurysm that she had in June. But, she always looks at it on the bright side - she can re-read all the books she has and they seem like new each time.
DH was like that, but I trained him to ask me first...

After years of effort, SO will usually ask, "Are you done with this?" before giving in to her urges. But it's not a perfect world. On the whole, I benefit from her efforts so I'm not complaining.
Ross, sorry to hear you are having memory retention problems. My mom is also having short-term memory problems, but hers is a result of the aneurysm that she had in June. But, she always looks at it on the bright side - she can re-read all the books she has and they seem like new each time.

Thank you... :)

According to doctors, I'm of sound mind and body so, its a irritant rather than a real problem.. I kinda think that meds may have a part to play, as Addie suggested..

My daughter teases me about "every book is a new book"... ;)

After years of effort, SO will usually ask, "Are you done with this?" before giving in to her urges. But it's not a perfect world. On the whole, I benefit from her efforts so I'm not complaining.

Exactly... We kid about it now.. I enjoy that after 25 years, Jeannie is still enthused about cleaning up behind me...
Thank you... :)

According to doctors, I'm of sound mind and body so, its a irritant rather than a real problem.. I kinda think that meds may have a part to play, as Addie suggested..

My daughter teases me about "every book is a new book"... ;)


I was on a list of enough meds to kill a horse. I got so sick of taking them out each day, for four different hours of the day. So I sat down and looked up every med I have on my list. There has been some changes in the list, some added, some deleted. Time for me to look all of them up again. I did find out that the statins seem to be the biggest offender when it comes to memory retention. I even went so far as to print out the page for each med. Time to do it again.

That is going to be my project for today.
I do that to myself, that clean it up when you still need it thing. :LOL:

It took me several years to get Winthrop to listen to me when it came to my meds. Being so small, doctors have to prescribe meds for me like they do for a child. It took a heart/blood pressure emergency to get them to listen. Two episodes of errors with my meds almost killing me, put me on alert. I no longer trust any meds prescribed for me.

At our age(s) we have to be our own ombudsman. I look up every single medication that is prescribed for me. Including all the side effects.
I look up every single medication that is prescribed for me. Including all the side effects.

Here in Quebec, when you start a new med, the pharmacist takes you aside and give you a sheet of paper with all that on it. Why you are taking it, what it does (supposedly), and also all the side effects.

They also double check that your meds don't interfere with each other. That if you have prescriptions from different doctors, and one has no clue as to what the other has prescribed.
I was on a list of enough meds to kill a horse. I got so sick of taking them out each day, for four different hours of the day. So I sat down and looked up every med I have on my list. There has been some changes in the list, some added, some deleted. Time for me to look all of them up again. I did find out that the statins seem to be the biggest offender when it comes to memory retention. I even went so far as to print out the page for each med. Time to do it again.

That is going to be my project for today.

I do that or my mom, too. In fact, that is what I need to do Monday because she has a checkup on Tuesday.
Anyone who takes a lot of medications each day should get something like this. Lay out all your pills for the upcoming week and you can also see when you're getting low and need a refill. Makes life much easier.
Anyone who takes a lot of medications each day should get something like this. Lay out all your pills for the upcoming week and you can also see when you're getting low and need a refill. Makes life much easier.
View attachment 26715

SO has these. I fill them for her every two weeks. Part of that process is to then order refills where needed.

I only take meds twice a day so use the simpler seven day sleeves, one for AM and one for PM. I fill those every other week and reorder as needed.

Pill filling is a Saturday morning ritual alternating between her pills and mine.

I also have four alarms set on her phone to remind her to take her pills. That works sometimes.


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