Petty Vents

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The rolls have reversed, as they say they would.

Mom is now acting sassy, talking back and being very smart. (which I would NEVER have done when I was a kid, I wouldn't have gotten away with it)

Where, I now am the parent and scolding her.
Mom: (in a very loud voice) Ohmygosh! Look at that girl (another older woman)! What was she thinking?! She shouldn't be wearing THAT!
Me: Mom, ssshhhh! That's not very nice of you.

AND she's been talking back to DH alot this past week, very sassy indeed!
Thank you God for such a patient and tolerant husband.
I can sympathize Kgirl as I personally hate to be a house guest, and don't like being a house hostess either. It's just unnatural unless you have a house with guest wings, and hired help like a Queen. I always lived near my Mom who I also adored, but she used to say that fish and house guests are just alike, after three days they both begin to stink.
I don't mind being the house hostess so much.
Having lived in Hawaii all of my life and also having had in-laws that lived on the East Coast that came to visit, ALOT, I'm use to it.
DH's much younger sister and her three, yes I said 3 young children came to stay with us for THREE MONTHS one Summer while her husband was deployed with the military in the Middle East after 911.
But my own Mother has been the real challenge, I have to say.
We take her home in two days, thanking you Lord!!!
Mom and Dad are down the street...they still drive me bats when we go shopping. Now I know how they felt when we kids wandered off in the store.
I have to say I was very nervous when my daughter came to stay for 3 months but it went extremely well! I needed her because of my shoulder being operated on and in the end we pretty much had different habits and stayed out of each others way.

Actually I was a bit frustrated because she doesn't like to cook, couldn't care less and didn't even like or want to have the proposed dishes I was eager to make. :mad:

I had to sleep in the den (due to the shoulder) and she slept upstairs - so we didn't even disturb with our different hours.

Worked out very well. or it could just have been I'm a tyrant and even my daughter's in their 50's don't cross me! :LOL::ROFLMAO:
Well, we just got back from driving Mom back to California
after her months stay with us here in the middle of the desert.
Both DH and I said to each other as we drove back home,
never never never never
will we do this again!
Neither of us think that she enjoyed herself, at all!
And we know that she was just too cold, no matter
what I set the heat at, along with an electric blanket
on her bed.
I bundled her up in coats, scarfs, hats and gloves
whenever we left the house, which wasn't often.
We'd get to where we were going, be there for about
a half hour and ask, "So are we done now?"
Well, we just got back from driving Mom back to California
after her months stay with us here in the middle of the desert.
Both DH and I said to each other as we drove back home,
never never never never
will we do this again!
Neither of us think that she enjoyed herself, at all!
And we know that she was just too cold, no matter
what I set the heat at, along with an electric blanket
on her bed.
I bundled her up in coats, scarfs, hats and gloves
whenever we left the house, which wasn't often.
We'd get to where we were going, be there for about
a half hour and ask, "So are we done now?"

I'm sooo sorry to hear this Kgirl, as I know you were really looking forward to her visit. Was she like this the last time she came, or is this behavior something new? Maybe you can find out more now that's she's home and the two of you can talk on the phone in private. Is there someone she's close to at home that could tell you about any obvious changes in her personality?
I hope you get to the bottom of the problem as it's clear how important she is to you. Hugs...
I'm sooo sorry to hear this Kgirl, as I know you were really looking forward to her visit. Was she like this the last time she came, or is this behavior something new? Maybe you can find out more now that's she's home and the two of you can talk on the phone in private. Is there someone she's close to at home that could tell you about any obvious changes in her personality?
I hope you get to the bottom of the problem as it's clear how important she is to you. Hugs...
Low thyroid hormone levels can cause fatigue and problems with regulating body temperature, as well as personality changes. It might be a good idea to suggest that she have that checked.
I'm sooo sorry to hear this Kgirl, as I know you were really looking forward to her visit. Was she like this the last time she came, or is this behavior something new? Maybe you can find out more now that's she's home and the two of you can talk on the phone in private. Is there someone she's close to at home that could tell you about any obvious changes in her personality?
I hope you get to the bottom of the problem as it's clear how important she is to you. Hugs...

You're so sweet K, thank you.
Mom has never been to this house, she moved to California about 5 years ago and we have been just going out there to visit with her there.
As to her personality, that's really no different than before, sadly.
I think it was she was not on her own home playing field.

Low thyroid hormone levels can cause fatigue and problems with regulating body temperature, as well as personality changes. It might be a good idea to suggest that she have that checked.

GG, Mom has her annual wellness check and is in tip-top shape.
The doctor's have run all kinds of tests on her over the years and there is absolutely nothing wrong with her!
"You're how old and don't take ANY medications?"
She's been told that she will live a long and healthy life, as most of her relatives have, and she's not too happy about that. She thinks that she should have kicked long ago :huh: Me, I know that I'm living a long life and intend to life it to the fullest.
This is a great life lesson learned for me.
Keep your mind and body active through out your life, as my doc in Hawaii told me, "Use it or loss it".
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