Petty Vents

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Most times I will just keep my mouth shut because, well I don't have a very good filter. I am the guy that will say what everyone else is thinking. Good or bad.
I told a fella the other day that his language in front of young children was atrocious. While I could handle it, the family unit with three under 6 years, should not have been subjected to it in a family restaurant. He changed his language and was a bit more subdued. He used his "inside" voice and nary a profane word was dropped. The father of the young children thanked me.

Second part: Why the heck didn't the father speak up on his children's behalf? Are people so afraid of offending someone that they will not speak up for themselves and their own?
I think teenagers are the worst when it comes to using bad language in public. I am afraid that I am not as polite as PF when it comes to speaking up.

If it is a male I ask them if they are a pimp. "Of course not. What would make you even ask that?"

If a girl, I ask if they are a prostitute. I get the same reaction.

My answer to both of them is that the language they use made me think that they were in that profession. All of a sudden, they are working on cleaning up their language. I always give them a "Thank you" before I leave their presence.

I know my kids are noted for using bad language. But for some strange reason, not in my presence. If a word should slip out, I get an apology instantly.

When you work in a professional setting, you know that kind of language is never accepted. In some offices you can get fired for using it. specially if it is an important client in the area. Then you never adopt the foul language.

As a result I have created my own dictionary of cuss words. Gol Durn is my favorite. Dag Nab It also gets a lot of use. And Fam Damily is another one.
I told a fella the other day that his language in front of young children was atrocious. While I could handle it, the family unit with three under 6 years, should not have been subjected to it in a family restaurant. He changed his language and was a bit more subdued. He used his "inside" voice and nary a profane word was dropped. The father of the young children thanked me.

Second part: Why the heck didn't the father speak up on his children's behalf? Are people so afraid of offending someone that they will not speak up for themselves and their own?

In today's world speaking up can get you shot!

Be careful PF!!!
I don't like ice cold salad. As a result, I don't order salads in restaurants. At home, SO makes salads in the afternoon and refrigerates them. Often, I take my salad out of the fridge and microwave it for a short time to get it to room temperature.
My kitchen faucet is out of commission. So we have to go into the bathroom for water.

I have two wash basins that I have brought home from a couple of inpatient time in the hospital. They sure are handy under the sink Pull it out and get what you need.

Well, we also at this time have a sinkful of dishes. I suppose Pirate could do them in the bathroom sink or bathtub. But he is burning up with a fever 104. He has a form of pneumonia. So I take everything out from under the sink. Discover that there is a leak way in the back. Oh well, I can't do anything about that.

So I took the two basins and scrubbed them furiously. One for washing and one for rinsing the dishes. When you are sitting in a wheelchair, the job is a lot harder. I now have to find a place to put the basins and figure out how to get hot water in them. If I put them in the tub for filling, I won't be able to lift them. So I am going to take my two quart pot and make trips back and forth with the wheelchair and fill the basins with that. I'm sure getting my workout today. Where is maintenance when you need them.
I don't like ice cold salad. As a result, I don't order salads in restaurants. At home, SO makes salads in the afternoon and refrigerates them. Often, I take my salad out of the fridge and microwave it for a short time to get it to room temperature.

Both vegetables and fruits must be room temperature in my book.

On Friday, I spent an hour and a half at our local pharmacy, TRYING to fill a new prescription my doctor gave me.
The Pharm Tech kept going around that proverbial mulberry bush saying that my insurance claimed that it was too early to fill ….
THIS IS A BRAND NEW DRUG FOR ME!!!! When did I fill it before? :ermm:
So I stepped away from the "mile long" line also waiting to fill their new prescriptions and called to my insurance company back in Hawaii.

Hawaii Rep:"No Missus, we've already logged an over ride for your local pharmacy to fill it and we'll cover it."
Local Pharm:"I don't have enough of this drug to fill a 90 count. Come back tomorrow and I'll have it all ready for you and covered under your drug plan."

Following day, I go back to our local drug store and I'm told that it's too early to fill and we don't have enough of that drug. Come back on Monday.

Here we are, Monday morning, and I get a text from the drug store, "Too early to fill" … are you kidding me?

I call to my Hawaii Rep yet again, spent 55 minutes on the phone, with them going back and forth, yet again that it's too early to fill, that I've picked this drug not so long ago AND that a Pharm Tech had called me on Saturday to tell to come pick up my drug … WHAT?! :huh:
Nobody called me, and to add insult to injury, the local Pharmacist said that it's the same drug that I had previously and he won't fill it, I still have some... :furious: Who are you to tell me that I can't have a drug that my doctor has prescribed to me? REALLY? :angry:
Some bad words REALLY wanted to come out of my mouth! :censored:
DH is beside himself and wants to speak to the Pharmacist, and give him what for... NOPE! I reached back out to our Hawaii Rep and God Bless her, she over rode everything and got it taken care of :angel:


This pharmacy is so understaffed, I have to wait TWO DAYS for them to fill my prescription …

It's a VERY good thing that I asked my doctor's MA to give me a 30 day emergency back up for this new drug, knowing what hops I was going to have to jump through … Thank God for giving me such patience and a calm demeaner!
I don't like ice cold salad. As a result, I don't order salads in restaurants. At home, SO makes salads in the afternoon and refrigerates them. Often, I take my salad out of the fridge and microwave it for a short time to get it to room temperature.
I hear ya. I don't usually find the salads to be very cold in restos. I have done that microwave the salad thing, about 20 seconds on 30% power. I do that with fruit out of the fridge too.
I think teenagers are the worst when it comes to using bad language in public....As a result I have created my own dictionary of cuss words. Gol Durn is my favorite. Dag Nab It also gets a lot of use. And Fam Damily is another one.
My Mom always told me that Grandma's theory was that you were still swearing, even if you were using "cute" words. Grandma would say "Don't be a hypocrite. Either talk like a lady or just use the swear word". :huh: Mom swore freely. :LOL: I pretty much stick to low-level swear words (the livelier versions of "darn it" and "shoot"). Still doesn't mean I'm a "lady"...:D
I don't like ice cold salad. As a result, I don't order salads in restaurants. At home, SO makes salads in the afternoon and refrigerates them. Often, I take my salad out of the fridge and microwave it for a short time to get it to room temperature.
By the time I'm done making a salad, there isn't anything cold about the ingredients anymore! :LOL:
I'd change pharmacy's, if there is another close by..


We've looked at that before, but we can only go to very specific pharmacy's on our drug plan.
DH and I did a Google Search for maybe a better one within the chain that's within a reasonable distance, FAT CHANCE !!! :LOL: They're all poorly rated!

I'd have done that last week.


Yup, as soon as I went back, on the day they told me to come back on, and they didn't have it, I would change pharmacy.


I sure hope it wasn't for a blood pressure medicine...:ermm:

You might need one now, though.

No, CG, I have all good numbers other than my dang thyroid... hereditary dontcha know ... I take after my Mother with excellent health, other than that, and will live to well over 100 years of age, as most folks in her family have, on both sides. Thankfully, the only thing I got from my Father is very little gray hair and much later in life as well. :stuart:

On Friday, I spent an hour and a half at our local pharmacy, TRYING to fill a new prescription my doctor gave me.
..... snipped ....


I've received THREE text messages from our pharmacy saying that my prescription is ready for pick up.
The smart gal that I am, I called to confirm this, each time!
"Oh no Missus... we're still working on it ..."

I've received THREE text messages from our pharmacy saying that my prescription is ready for pick up.
The smart gal that I am, I called to confirm this, each time!
"Oh no Missus... we're still working on it ..."
This would be me:


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We've looked at that before, but we can only go to very specific pharmacy's on our drug plan.
DH and I did a Google Search for maybe a better one within the chain that's within a reasonable distance, FAT CHANCE !!! [emoji38] They're all poorly rated!

One thing to consider: people who have a bad experience are more likely to complain about it than people who have a positive experience are to post about it. I wouldn't base my choice on just that.

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