pizza dough question

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Master Chef
Mar 13, 2005
Anchorage, Alaska
I'm looking for a recipe for really thin pizza dough -- the kind that cooks real crispy. Any in put appreciated.
3 cups All Purpose Flour
1 package (.25 oz) active dry yeast
2 TBS Vegtable oil
1 tsp salt
1 TBS white Sugar
1 cup warm (110*) water

Combine flour, salt and sugar in a large bowl and mix well. Add yeast and mix again. Add oil and water and knead as needed!

Spread as thin as you like. If the dough is fighting to much and pulling back, let it rest for 5 minutes and go at it again. This is the rcipe I've been using and I make it real thin for my wife and just a tad thicker for myself.
I'm surprised none of our resident pizzer afficionados ever extoll the merits of French Bread Pizzer. Whuts up with that? It's highly simple and tastes delicioso.

This is the one I use. Does not take long on the grill, so take a extra beer with you before tossing it on. If you think you can run in the house to grab one while it's on, it will burn. (not like that has ever happened to me :LOL: )

about 3 1/2 cups high gluten flour
3/4 cup warm water (your mileage may vary)
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
1 1/2 teaspoon active dry yeast
1 1/2 teaspoon sugar
1 1/2 teaspoon salt


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