Pork Roast on the Old Weber

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Master Chef
Sep 17, 2009
Newark, OH & Indian River, MI
I'm waiting on parts for my new Performer (see Weber Customer Service) so I pulled out the Old 22.5 One-Touch Silver to do a small pork roast. I checked out the dating on the OTS and found it is 22 years old and has been hanging out in our boat house for most of that time. I had plans to give my daughter the OTS when I got the Performer, but now that I've cleaned up the old Weber....

I really like the lid hanger feature on the Old Weber.

I cooked it at 350° using Royal Oak and the Old Weber held the temp just fine 'til it hit 160°.

One more meal on the Old Weber, turned out well.

Vermin999 said:
Fine looking roast. What lake is that?

Mullett Lake, Indian River MI, 30 miles south of the Mackinac Bridge. Been coming here since 1957.


  • BBQC.jpg
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Wow Buzz! The pork roast looks great, but that shot of the lake is Fantastic. Looks like a great place to hang with the family. I might just have to use that shot of the lake for my screensaver ;)
****** man! You're killin me bbquzz!!! Pork looks awesome and the lake is even better. What I wouldn't give to be there enjoying that scene. Really lookin' forward to more post!!!!!

After 22 years that OTS is still looking good. Nice job keeping things up.
Smokey Lew said:
Good God Buzz! Is this where we go if we've been good in this life? I think you need to invite us all up there for some BBQ and fishing.

It would have to be reciprocal so I could come west and get lessons from you, Tri Tip, V9, californiagrillin and a few others on your end of the country :LOL:
Way to bring a old girl back to life!
Looked great!
Indian River is a beautiful area.
Hmmm looks very good. Now which part o da pig has we got there? I would have to hazzard a guess it be the far end of the rib end of the loin. Would be 1/4 of a loin. Now is that hot or cold? Thanks.

BW you got me what part of the hog this came from. I just know I bought two and used my food saver on one and this is the food saver one, stuck it in the cooler and brought it north from Ohio. Turned out well and I think I labeled it pork roast. I am getting cold feet on giving away my old Weber, used it again tonight, for 22 years old it's a nice grill. I do hope my daughter will love it.
Well just dont give it away to any yankees from PA. Gave away my old Snnp to the yet future ex SIL from up there. First rent house they moved out of he just run off and left it.


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