if you cast a eyeball into the baskets of your fellow shoppers in the supermarket, you'll get a an idea of "what people are eating"
I pretty much fix stuff everything scratch - just don't buy the prepared meals / dishes / sides. true, I have the time & energy to do that, not everyone does, or wants to.
time to time I see an obviously overweight stay at home mom with 2-3 portly kids trundling through the supermarket with a cart filled to the brim with sugar snacks / foods, frozen 'entrees'/dishes of most every sort - your basic "nuke it" diet. no fruits, no (fresh/frozen) vegetables outside of the (frozen stuff) in cream sauce, fifteen boxes of frozen pizza..... makes me cringe. yeah, genetics plays a part, "situations" play a part, but diet is also a part - I don't judge, I just cringe. my mother worked outside the home all through my elementary and high school years. true, early on she had no choice, the 'everything ready to be nuked' foods didn't exist - but then again, how did she manage? no one in our family died of starvation, so it's obviously possible.
I can remember sampling some of the first Swanson frozen TV dinners when they came out. they were not well received, no question home cooking was better (g)