Questions about pot roast in a crock pot

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Senior Cook
Jun 5, 2008
Aliso Viejo, CA
I'm planning on making a pot roast in my crock pot and I need some advice. I've read tons of recipes and some say to put the veggies on the bottom and the meat on top, while others say put the meat on the bottom, then the veggies on top. Does it really make a difference? Also, I've read that you should wait to put in the potatoes so they don't fall apart from the long cooking. If the food is going to cook for 8 hours, at what point do I add the potatoes? Thanks in advance for your help.

Sedagive, a lot depends on the cut of meat you are using. If its really tough, put the meat on the bottom. If its just sort of tough then veggies. The meat will create a lot of liquid so be prepared for that. Can you toss the potatoes in at about the 4 hour mark? Either that or you can set them on top of the meat for the whole time.
I usually add the roast to the bottom.Then layer the veggies around the roast.Tougher pieces of veggies as close to the sides as you can get them.They will get the most heat from the sides of the crock.Keeping all the veggies sliced and diced evenly helps with the cooking time as well.

Here's a few links that I refer back to when I need a new plan.I've discovered that a crockpot works better if I leave it alone!! I can never leave it alone,I think it needs me or something.. ;)

Quick and Easy Crock Pot Recipes - Easy Crockpot Recipes

crockpot recipes | crock pot recipes | slow cooker recipes | includes crock pot recipes from appetizers to desserts

Good luck.

I put the vegggies on top too. Also, to keep my potatoes from falling apart I use small new potatoes. I like to use the least expensive cut I can find if I'm putting it in the crock. It's gonna fall apart anyway. Good luck and enjoy.
If you want a dryer "roast", put the veggies on the bottom which will keep the meat out of most of the liquid. Many people will wad up balls of aluminum foil to use as the risers since often you don't want veggies cooking in the bottom the whole time.

If you want tender, juicy, fall-apart meat then by all means put it on the bottom and plan on making a nice gravy with the resulting juices.

How you do it is strictly a matter of personal choice.
Thank you all for the great advice. I'm using chuck roast and I'm going to brown the meat before I put it in the crock pot. I'm going to add carrots, onions, and potatoes with some beef broth. After it's done, I'll add some flour or corn starch to thicken up the juices for gravy. I'm starting it at 9:00 a.m. so it will be ready around 5:00 p.m. I can't wait. I'll take pics and post them.
The pre-browning will add lots of additional flavor to your meat and the gravy. Now the side betting starts on whether to can refrain from eating the whole thing in one sitting because it will be soooooo good. :LOL:
The finished product. Pot roast, potatoes, carrots and gravy. It was the best pot roast I ever made and I will be using the crock pot from now on. The meat was fall apart tender, juicy, and tasted delicious. The potatoes and carrots were cooked perfectly. Thank you again for your help.


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But inquiring minds want to know.......did you pig out and eat the whole thing or did you have the strength to save some for later? :LOL::ROFLMAO::LOL:
I usually add the roast to the bottom.Then layer the veggies around the roast.Tougher pieces of veggies as close to the sides as you can get them.They will get the most heat from the sides of the crock.Keeping all the veggies sliced and diced evenly helps with the cooking time as well.

I do the same thing . I do add my veggies about halfway into cooking though if I am cooking for a long period of time. Can't stand mushy potatoes.
Glad it all worked out your roast pic had me wishing for taste a vision..Looked delish :)

I'm curious though where you able to leave that lid on? Not lift to check on it. I love cooking things in the crock pot.I've got 4,use them often.
If you get the chance try making chicken,or your own refried beans in it..Good stuff :)

Yes, I put the lid on and just let it cook for 8 hours. I bought 4 of the chuck roasts because they were on sale for $1.57 a pound so I'm gathering up more crock pot recipes to use for the other three.
Yes, I put the lid on and just let it cook for 8 hours. I bought 4 of the chuck roasts because they were on sale for $1.57 a pound so I'm gathering up more crock pot recipes to use for the other three.

Sedagive - If you still have one left, you might want to consider cooking it on the grill. If it's not finished cooking to your preference (mine is medium rare), you can quickly finish it in the oven.

Chuck roasts are highly underrated for flavor. Maybe it has a lot of fat? But you don't have to eat it if you don't want to. I'm certain you can find a deserving pet in the neighborhood that would love it. Often I'll cut the fat into little pieces, and add a Tb or so a bowl over a period of time. My dog's coat appreciates it as I am stingy, and feed him a healthy dry food only for the regular daily meals. I lied. sometimes I'll add a Tb of bacon fat before putting the rest in the refrigerator jar for cooking eggs, etc.

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