Sandra Lee's Table Scapes?

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Sandra has her niche - a Le Cordon Bleu trained chef who has returned to her impoverished roots to try to make less than gourmet ingredients taste better, and to help cooks with few skills prepare something good tasting to put on the table. She is also very active in charity work getting food to the hungry. Cut her some slack!

The table-scape thing ... well, yeah - but my Mom would have loved some of those ideas back when I was a kid and she found herself forced into the "Officers Wives Club". Mom was a Texas girl - comfortable in boots, jeans and sitting on a horse or a tractor (or running around barefoot) - not doing military protocol or Southern hospitality dinners!

Go to your local food bank and look at what they hand out. Then come back and criticize Sandra for trying to take those ingredients and make them taste better. How would you use those same indredients and do it totally "from scratch"?

She is not my favorite TV chef - but I just hate to see a good person getting trashed for trying to make a positive contribution.
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good for u michael, i watch sandra a lot. some of her ideas i use and some i don't. i personally like the tablescapes. no need to do the whole deal just an idea here and there. being creative is a pleasure i think. i know i try to find easy ways to do many things. did you know it is easy to frost cupcakes using popsicle sticks. figure that one out. did it yesterday. now that would be a sandra thing.
Thank you Michael. As someone with a sincerely limited budget as much as I don't know that I like or don't like Sandra, I respect her. She grew up wondering if she was going to eat the next day ~ I relate. I am unemployed and every time I get a dime I buy food. My "fight or flight instinct" revolves around making sure we have food. Sandra understands that thought process.

I actually think Michael hit a note. In the military, wives are asked to do so much on such a little budget but they have to appear bigger than life.

Sandra is a niche chef/show. I hate seeing all the hate I see people sending toward her. It's just not right.
Calisto, Babe, Michael, I agree with you all. I find her desire to see children have a decent meal a wonderful thing..She is not my favorite either but I admire her pluck and think she if beautiful inside and out..Give her a break people, it could be your child she is fighting for.
Here's how I see Sandra ~ if you bumped into her on the street and said ~ "OMG, I watch you on FN, can you help me, I can't feed my family....." She would take you to the closest store, help you buy a bunch of stuff and show you how to stretch it to feed your kids for days and day. Whereas Donald Trump would hand you a $100 bill and blow you off. Sandra would teach you how to make that dollar stetch, others would just throw money at you and hope. After reading so much about her, I don't believe she would ever turn her back on anyone but I also believe she would choose to teach anyone who asks beore dismissing them.
my ? is, where'd she find the dough to pay for a Le Corden Bleu education if she was so impovirished? it's EXPENSIVE!!!!! unless she scored numerous scholarships or something.
my ? is, where'd she find the dough to pay for a Le Corden Bleu education if she was so impovirished? it's EXPENSIVE!!!!! unless she scored numerous scholarships or something.
That's the point, luvs, she was so good she got scholarships after proving herself in other culinary schools. She's never forgotten where she came from and has taken her education to help those growing up like she did.
where'd you hear that? & jumping from school to school doesn't look great on a resume.

i just read she took a "corden bleu 2-week course".

2 weeks is an enthusiast course, not an education or a degree.
where'd you hear that? & jumping from school to school doesn't look great on a resume.

i just read she took a "corden bleu 2-week course".

2 weeks is an enthusiast course, not an education or a degree.
Please stop hating on Sandra. She's done nothing to deserve it. She didn't jump from school to school. She grew up terribly impoverished, she deserves praise, not hate.
i didn't i hate on sandra- i watch her show. i said she's not le corden bleu trained. dot-dot-dot
i didn't i hate on sandra- i watch her show. i said she's not le corden bleu trained. dot-dot-dot
And you know her life? You've been there for all her accomplishments? You've shadowed her throughout her life? You are her shadow...

You don't know her actual accomplishments, just what might or might not be on the internet that you found.
Then stop saying hateful things about Sandra, please. She's gone through things very few can understand. There are a very limited group of people here who can understand going to bed hungry, Sandra can understand that. It's a fear I fall asleep with every night. Sandra overcame that dispare, I praise her. She's to be admired, not cut down at every turn.
just like you doubt my knowledge of her edu., how can yoou give me knowledge of her life?

now i'm dropping said subject, it's gotten silly to bicker about one neither of us know in person.
Sandra has her niche - a Le Cordon Bleu trained chef who has returned to her impoverished roots to try to make less than gourmet ingredients taste better, and to help cooks with few skills prepare something good tasting to put on the table. She is also very active in charity work getting food to the hungry. Cut her some slack!

The table-scape thing ... well, yeah - but my Mom would have loved some of those ideas back when I was a kid and she found herself forced into the "Officers Wives Club". Mom was a Texas girl - comfortable in boots, jeans and sitting on a horse or a tractor (or running around barefoot) - not doing military protocol or Southern hospitality dinners!

Go to your local food bank and look at what they hand out. Then come back and criticize Sandra for trying to take those ingredients and make them taste better. How would you use those same indredients and do it totally "from scratch"?

She is not my favorite TV chef - but I just hate to see a good person getting trashed for trying to make a positive contribution.
Baloney! She's out to make a buck and merely found a niche to sell her wares. Her 70% reliance on packaged products is neither nutritionally sound nor economical. If you want to help someone who is struggling to make ends meet but still wants to prepare nutritious, delicious meals for their family, give them a copy of The Settlement Cookbook, the first edition of which was written for poor immigrants more than 100 years ago; more than 2 million copies of the 40 editions of this treasure have been sold since.

Worse, most of Ms. Lee's recipes are terrible, despite her brief tutelage at Le Cordon Bleu. They're an insult to poor people, just as her "Kwanzaa Cake" was an insult to African Americans. This site says it all: CLICK ME

Hell is paved with good intentions. -- Samuel Johnson
I'm closing this thread down.

The point of having this section is to discuss the chefs not to get into fights about them.
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