KFC Chizza Review....

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Master Chef
Nov 8, 2004

Back to KFC for this new item.

I got to the place and on the outside I could not see any signage for the product.

I go inside and even the menu did not list it.

I asked the lady if they had it and she sad yes.

She asked if I wanted the meal and I asked about the price of it and it was over 14 bucks?!?! That included the drink and one side.

I skipped the meal and ordered what was the regular chizza not knowing I could have ordered the small version which was half the food.

The regular version was 9.99!?!?!

For that I got one plastic carry out bag, one spoon, four napkins, the hot box that had the regular sized chizza.

The regular sized chizza includes 2 pieces of Extra Crispy boneless chicken filets that are topped with savory marinara sauce, mozzarella cheese, and a kick of pepperoni. The cheese was mainly shredded here.

If this needed to be melted before serving that did not happen on mine imo.

I sat down at the table and started to eat this thing.

The chicken was solid chicken here. 2 pieces would certainly can be a lunch meal for 2. The best thing here was each piece of chicken was cut into 2 pieces for easier eating,

The sauce was okay but not special. The cheese was not special at all. The pepperoni was not even special at all and certainly no kick to it.

Instead of using 4 napkins here I used five to finish this meal off. Sauce on your fingers is just going to happen.

A minor thumbs up here at best from me. Love the idea but they could have used better pepperoni imo.
It’s an interesting offering from an old favorite.

It would never occur to me to order a pizza at KFC.

The latest round of inflation has put me off of fast food.

One of our old favorite hot dog stands now charges $13.95 for two hotdogs, fries, and a soda.


I would rather buy a steak or some premium seafood and cook it myself.

I suppose that this sort of change in thinking happens as every generation ages and shifts priorities.

Back to KFC for this new item.

I got to the place and on the outside I could not see any signage for the product.

I go inside and even the menu did not list it.

I asked the lady if they had it and she sad yes.

She asked if I wanted the meal and I asked about the price of it and it was over 14 bucks?!?! That included the drink and one side.

I skipped the meal and ordered what was the regular chizza not knowing I could have ordered the small version which was half the food.

The regular version was 9.99!?!?!

For that I got one plastic carry out bag, one spoon, four napkins, the hot box that had the regular sized chizza.

The regular sized chizza includes 2 pieces of Extra Crispy boneless chicken filets that are topped with savory marinara sauce, mozzarella cheese, and a kick of pepperoni. The cheese was mainly shredded here.

If this needed to be melted before serving that did not happen on mine imo.

I sat down at the table and started to eat this thing.

The chicken was solid chicken here. 2 pieces would certainly can be a lunch meal for 2. The best thing here was each piece of chicken was cut into 2 pieces for easier eating.

The sauce was okay but not special. The cheese was not special at all. The pepperoni was not even special at all and certainly no kick to it.

Instead of using 4 napkins here I used five to finish this meal off. Sauce on your fingers is just going to happen.

A minor thumbs up here at best from me. Love the idea but they could have used better pepperoni imo.
I have to bake an apple pie. I've never made one. The request is for an apple crumb or something without a top crust. Is it better to use apples instead of canned? What kind of apples? I will buy the crust that you unroll. I have walnuts on hand too so I can always add those. Needs to be simple. TIA.
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KFC, a bible reference seems appropriate here "they know not what they do" or "too many chefs in the kitchen" means the same thing. Where's that guy that started that roadside restaurant in Kentucky when you need him.
I have to bake an apple pie. I've never made one. The request is for an apple crumb or something without a top crust. Is it better to use apples instead of canned? What kind of apples? I will buy the crust that you unroll. I have walnuts on hand too so I can always add those. Needs to be simple. TIA.
There are so many recipes for apple pies. I personally enjoy the ones that start with fresh apples. Store-purchased apple pie filling is almost always too sweet for me. Search here for apple pie. You may find a great recipe as we have a lot of fantastic bakers - which I am not, sadly.

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