Shelf life of canned pears?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Oct 17, 2004
I've had cuple of canes of Del Monte pears, for quite a while actually, not sure how long though. So finally today I opened them, they looked good, tasted fine, but the smell was the smell of a barell of hering. How long canned fruits should less. There was no date on the can. I also had a can of peaches, I'm sure just as old and that was fine.
LOL I can't say I ever smelled a barrell of Herring but YUCK!!!!
We go thru canned fruit pretty fast in our house in the winter, just because fresh variety is worthless at the store. But I'm thinking 1 1/2 to 2 years is what's usually on the can? Lemme go look.
We musta eaten the pears,
but my peaches say 2010, mandarin oranges say 02 / 2009.
That just seems so wrong doesn't it, when they don't keep in the fridge over 2 weeks???? hmmmmm
I have used some canned goods that were pretty old (3-5 yrs), and they were fine.
On the other hand, I had a 14 oz. can of tomato paste that was only a few months past the use-by date, and it exploded in my pantry. :( I think it probably got dropped and busted it's seal. I didn't discover it until the stuff was dried on. :wacko:

They say the food is all right as long as the seal isn't broken (top of can should not pop when pressed), but I opened some tuna once that tasted kind funny...not spoiled, but old. I think that was the deal with your pears, Charlie. Since none of us are starving, my advice is to throw it away.

I actually have a big can of pears and another of peaches that I've had several years. Maybe I should look them over.
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I did toss it. I am famous for eating all kind of junk. But this just smelled so yucky, brrrr

Throw them out....
I would toss them too because of the smell, but according to the link you provided mozart, they sound like they would still be OK to eat. Am I missing something that you saw in that link? Here is what I saw...
After 2-1/2 to 3 years, quality may begin to deteriorate, although the contents would still be safe.
To me, canned pears keep until the can starts to deteriorate. If the can shows no sign of bulges or dents or leaks, the contents should still be good. If, once you have opened the can, you notice a discolouration, a smell or little bubbles in the liquid - don't risk it, ditch it.
Canned Pears

I've had cuple of canes of Del Monte pears, for quite a while actually, not sure how long though. So finally today I opened them, they looked good, tasted fine, but the smell was the smell of a barell of hering. How long canned fruits should less. There was no date on the can. I also had a can of peaches, I'm sure just as old and that was fine.

Hi CharlieD,
If, on opening the can of pears they don`t smell right then they are not right!


After binning the cans, make sure you wash your hands, knives, boards and any kitchen equipment and kitchen surfaces which the cans and the contents of the cans may have touched, thoroughly in VERY, VERY, hot water to remove any toxins.

All the best,
p.s. If this is about a commercial kitchen, I would advise the use of a steam cleaner.
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