Assistant Cook
I love smoked fish, any fish. I buy canned Sprats from Russia and they are delicious; very smokey flavor. I've had fried smelts and like them. has anyone ever tried smoking smelts? Any suggestions? Thanks
I love smoked fish, any fish. I buy canned Sprats from Russia and they are delicious; very smokey flavor. I've had fried smelts and like them. has anyone ever tried smoking smelts? Any suggestions? Thanks
love smoked anything-fish,bacon,chicken,duck smoked fish i've had bucky was at bolas's.he did bass,trout & mackerel(brined 1st).the mackerel was outstanding.mackerel is my fav fish....amazing isn't it,the cheapest most plentiful fish outta the sea & imo the besti'm very interested in the responses to this thread.
i've wanted to smoke fish, any whole fish, for a while now. from trout, to mullet, to whiting.
my family loves fried smelts, i'd bet they'd be great smoked.
I love smoked fish, any fish. I buy canned Sprats from Russia and they are delicious; very smokey flavor. I've had fried smelts and like them. has anyone ever tried smoking smelts? Any suggestions? Thanks
I don't remember that the smelt we'd eat (just the way Chief mentioned--dredged in flour and fried) had "scales" on them. Smelt aren't very big. When the smelt would start running in early, early spring, it was a ritual to go smelting...yes-memories here too!Scales on & guts in?
I think when fresh caught, there's no brine.
The ones we ate were freshwater. As I understand it, there are fresh- and saltwater smelt. The ones we harvested came from Lake Superior, or thereabouts. They were very good as appetizers.
My gosh, CLoN, I had no idea you were born in 1855! No wonder you know so much about cooking and've had so much longer to master these skills than the average Joe. May I have permission to use this as an example of comma placement?From the time I was born, in 1855, until about 1974, the smelt ran so thick, that if you caught them in a run, you could practically walk accross the stream on their backs. walked the stream in the daytime, and dipped the holes. In no time, you could fill a 5-gallon bucket.Seeeeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North
I have a warped sense of humor. I laughed until tears were rolling down my checks re: the comma placement. It was "Today's Funny" for me.Comma placement notwithstanding, the blurb provides some interesting info. Wondering if the smelt was introduced in 1955.