Sunday 8/13/2017 What's on the menu?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
Something with ground beef. That's all I know for now.
We're having country style ribs & gravy, mashed potatoes, sweet peas & corn in butter for lunch and will do leftovers for supper.
I've had a pork roast in the sous vide since 6AM. Ex-Mrs. K is coming over for lunch around 12:30. I know this is the dinner thread, but that probably will be both lunch and dinner. I also have fresh Brussels sprouts and leftover sauerkraut. She won't eat the kraut, so that's for me.
We have a staff member who will be leaving us next week to go off to University. I offered to make her what ever she wants. We are having her over for a farewell dinner. She chose Fettuccine Alfredo with fresh pasta is what it will be...
Aw CakePoet, that sounds like a lousy dinner. :( I hope whatever aches you goes away quickly.

We'll finish up the last few potatoes, suntan and red bell peppers, sauteing them up with Italian sausages and onions. Some of the cantaloupe with ice cream for dessert.
There is Spanish stew in the freezer, we can eat that, but I am too hung over. Oh and the Spanish stew is as Spanish as me, not at all, it a recipe from 1970 and it really good, same cook book has American blue cheese salad, it mayo, banana, blue cheese and whipped cream and salt and pepper. I do not trust this cook book, but the stew is good.

Chocolate cake is looking more edible at the moment.
Our romeso seafood stew, kind of a Spanish bouillabaisse.


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We have some leftover rotisserie chicken. I'll have a quesadilla and I don't know what SO will have.
I have my meatloaf in the fridge firming up. I'm going to smoke it on the Weber kettle. I'll probably use hickory chunks for the smoke. My meatloaf has a 50/50 mix of ground beef and ground pork, and hickory works with both.

On the side, some cajun potato salad I made Friday night.

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WOW, wonderful sounding Sunday dinners, everyone! Good lookin' pics, Med and Ross. :yum:

I thawed out a slice of ham this morning, and haven't yet decided what to have with it. I would really love a grilled ham and cheese on sourdough, but the practical side of me says I should use some of the broccoli I bought yesterday. So...I think I'll warm the ham, steam the broccoli and drizzle it with a little butter, and call it good. Watermelon for dessert.
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