Chef Extraordinaire
Sunday Special - Spaced Out
1. Name the two planets in our system that have no moons...
2. Who was the first American in space ?
a. - John Glenn
b. - Virgil Grissom
c. - Alan Shepard
d. - Scott Carpenter
3. Who was the first American woman in space ?
4. who was the SECOND man to walk on the moon ?
5. What year saw John Glenn be the first American to orbit the Earth ?
6. What was the first telecommunications satellite named ?
7. What do we call the sun's "Breeze" ?
8. What do we call the ring of debris (possibly a destroyed planet) that's between Mars
and Jupiter ?
9. More formal name of the "Dog Star", the brightest star in our sky....
10. What's the name of the star group known as the "Seven Sisters" ?
11. What were the three programs named that led to the USA's Lunar Landing ?
12. What was the name of the Apollo 11 Lunar Landing Module ?
13. The first Shuttle, used for atmospheric tests only, was named Enterprise : Five more were built; name them ...
14. What was the name of the comet that was visible for several months in 1996 ?
15. What was the name of the highly-touted comet that fizzled in 1973 ?
1. Mercury and Venus
2. - c
3. Sally ride
4. Buzz Aldrin
5. - 1962
7. "Solar Wind"
8. Asteroid Belt
9. Sirius
10. Pleiades
11. Columbia, Challenger, Discovery, Atlantis, and Endeavour
13. Enterprise
14. Halle-Bopp
15. Comet Kahoutek
1. Name the two planets in our system that have no moons...
2. Who was the first American in space ?
a. - John Glenn
b. - Virgil Grissom
c. - Alan Shepard
d. - Scott Carpenter
3. Who was the first American woman in space ?
4. who was the SECOND man to walk on the moon ?
5. What year saw John Glenn be the first American to orbit the Earth ?
6. What was the first telecommunications satellite named ?
7. What do we call the sun's "Breeze" ?
8. What do we call the ring of debris (possibly a destroyed planet) that's between Mars
and Jupiter ?
9. More formal name of the "Dog Star", the brightest star in our sky....
10. What's the name of the star group known as the "Seven Sisters" ?
11. What were the three programs named that led to the USA's Lunar Landing ?
12. What was the name of the Apollo 11 Lunar Landing Module ?
13. The first Shuttle, used for atmospheric tests only, was named Enterprise : Five more were built; name them ...
14. What was the name of the comet that was visible for several months in 1996 ?
15. What was the name of the highly-touted comet that fizzled in 1973 ?
1. Mercury and Venus
2. - c
3. Sally ride
4. Buzz Aldrin
5. - 1962
7. "Solar Wind"
8. Asteroid Belt
9. Sirius
10. Pleiades
11. Columbia, Challenger, Discovery, Atlantis, and Endeavour
13. Enterprise
14. Halle-Bopp
15. Comet Kahoutek