TGIF, what's for supper 2023 November 17?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Moderator Emeritus
Sep 13, 2010
near Montreal, Quebec
We had frikadeller. I served them with some Greek roast potatoes and pilaf that was left over from a resto delivery. There was also a salad (Boston lettuce, green crisp lettuce, Napa cabbage, carrot, celery, shaved red onion, and some of my batch vinaigrette. As well as rødbeder (Danish style, pickled beets) and gravy. It was supposedly enough frikadeller for four servings, but the two of us had a frikadelle deficit, so we just kept munching frikadeller until they were all gone.


  • Frikadeller, salad, roast potato, rice, and rødbeder and gravy.jpg
    Frikadeller, salad, roast potato, rice, and rødbeder and gravy.jpg
    178.5 KB · Views: 17
  • Frikadeller, salad, roast potato, rice, and rødbeder.jpg
    Frikadeller, salad, roast potato, rice, and rødbeder.jpg
    178.8 KB · Views: 19
Had a beautiful lunch of those mussels I mentioned on another thread. So supper was just some penne with leek flavoured olive oil, white cheddar and pepper.
mussels in Pernod 23.11.17.jpg
My heavy cream had 'gone south' so I subbed some coconut milk I had in the freezer. Perfect!
Freezing leftover coconut milk in 1/2 cup increments is perfect for things like this. May the Great Dragon bless who ever posted that tip!
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