The Newbie

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Assistant Cook
Jan 19, 2005
I should have posted her first but I had to make a reply to something first.

My name is Laurie. I am a mother of 5 children. 4 boys and one darling little girl. I'm AllenMI's S/O and currently a "Stay At Home" mom. We also have 2 cats. MissPriss and Angel.

I like to cook. Something Penn Dutch area. My Grandmother Ellen was a great cook. She learned it from her husband, My grandfather. He was born and raised there in Penn. Of course I do get some talking to about my cooking from Allen lol. He's used to cooking Spicy foods. I'm used to other types of PD cooking.

I see this is also about Birthdays, Mine is in Febuary. Allen is in March. Both of us will be 32
Hi Laurie
. Happy you are here! I love those pics you shared with us. 8)
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