The Thankfulness Club

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
LOL, she's only called me "overbearing" twice since she got home. She does appreciate what I do for her, which makes me happy being her big sister.

It is very difficult being the patient and needing to have a dearly loved family member taking care of you. Even if she says nothing about how good the care is that you are giving her is, you can bet your last cent she really appreciates your efforts.

Being in this dang wheelchair has given me so many limitations. I would be in a rehab facility if I didn't have Pirate taking care of me in my own home. Everyone should have a big sister like you. Being home with someone you love can make all the difference in how fast you get heal.

I bet by the time Little Sister is all better and ready to take the Princesses in hand, they will all be better family members. More cooperative. After all they have Auntie Princess Fiona's training in them.
This Guy

Here he is, my Man at Work:


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Thanks, Cheryl! And thanks for fixing the pic. After all, Himself was kinda laying down on the job. :D

I tried the "save to the laptop, rotate, repost" thing, but just couldn't get it right. Picture posting isn't my strong suit. :LOL:
I have two bottles of Gatorade at the ready for "that" procedure. :sick: I don't like Gatorade. Heck, I don't like any heavily sweetened beverage, for the most part. While I did look at (and then pass by) SmartWater, I took the Gatorade home. The doctor's office called today with my arrival time come Friday, so I asked the girl I was speaking with about an alternative beverage that contains electrolytes. Before we spoke, I had already lined up a few questions I was going to ask when I call to confirm that I won't be bailing come Friday. One thing I read online was that coconut water (not the milk, the clear liquid) does, in fact, contain electrolytes. :huh: Even better, when I asked her if I could use that instead of Gatorade, she checked with the doctor and he said "yes"! :w00t: I now can (almost) look forward to my *ahem* dinner on Thursday.

Unfortunately, he did nix my request for my nighttime glass of "juice" - no wine allowed, white or otherwise. :(
"Dr. Killjoy". :ROFLMAO:

At least the discomfort is while everything is "coming through", PF. ;) Once I'm in the procedure room with the doctor, I know I'm on the home stretch. And unlike my brother-in-law, I know better and agree to being anesthetized. He tried to talk me into staying awake my first time, which is what he did (silly, silly man). Uh-uh. No way. Fuggettaboutit.

Cool*, clear, fresh, OK to use water. :w00t2: What a nice idea! It started flowing again late this morning. The town also said that it is safe to use, but I had already boiled a gallon of water for food prep and sink dish washing. No problem, I'll still use it up.

*No hot water yet. Just started to refill the tank, so I won't be flipping on the power to heat it for a few minutes.
Pretty thankful today after a consult with a radiology doctor. The Girls had a check up last week, and on Monday the imaging department at the hospital called to say I needed to come in again. :ermm: :ohmy: Well, after much poking and prodding and all sorts of other discomforts, it was determined that there was no foreign matter. I'm just built funny, inside and out. With any luck, I'll get to do this all over again next year.
Pretty thankful today after a consult with a radiology doctor. The Girls had a check up last week, and on Monday the imaging department at the hospital called to say I needed to come in again. :ermm: :ohmy: Well, after much poking and prodding and all sorts of other discomforts, it was determined that there was no foreign matter. I'm just built funny, inside and out. With any luck, I'll get to do this all over again next year.

Save the Tatas! I have that sticker on my truck and several shirts. Congratulations! I am very happy for you.
Pretty thankful today after a consult with a radiology doctor. The Girls had a check up last week, and on Monday the imaging department at the hospital called to say I needed to come in again. :ermm: :ohmy: Well, after much poking and prodding and all sorts of other discomforts, it was determined that there was no foreign matter. I'm just built funny, inside and out. With any luck, I'll get to do this all over again next year.
Glad to hear that, C.G. (Well, the bit about being OK, not the bit about being "built funny")
:punk: Great news CG!!

I have great cause to be thankful too. Yesterday I saw the doctor about the results from my recent ultrasound for my Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm. Unchanged from six months ago. Woo Hoo!! :clap:
Thanks, everyone! :heart: I didn't realize how stressed out I was until I tried to do "stuff" today. I pretty much hit a wall. Shopping and cooking can wait until Saturday. We ain't gonna starve around here. :LOL:

...I have great cause to be thankful too. Yesterday I saw the doctor about the results from my recent ultrasound for my Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm. Unchanged from six months ago. Woo Hoo!! :clap:
That IS good news, Kayelle. :flowers: Keep it up, ya hear?
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