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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
LOL Well, an hour to the east of me, which would be pretty much all ocean, it will be 5:00 in 10 minutes!

I assume the next person likes long bubble baths.

:) Barbara
Judging by the menagerie I seem to have acquired I'll say yes!! (dog, cat, guinea pig, cockatiel, fish)

I assume the next person wears pyjamas.
In the woods by a mountain lake!!

I assume the next person
likes to eat fresh trout cooked over
a campfire??
I never have, but it sounds good!

I assume the next person likes to roast marshmallows over an open fire.

:) Barbara
of course, but there had better be grahams and chocolate to go with:LOL:

I assume the next person like hiking a forrest trail?
I certainly do!
I really love it if there is a mountain
lake filled with trout and a camp fire
at the end of the trail.

I assume the next person
has lots of childhood memories?
There is nothing I like better than trout fishing...Except eating the little darlings:-p

Yes tons of childhood memories..
I asume the next person likes to look out to sea on a foggy day?
I do. People who haven't done it probably can't understand that. But it is kind of like you are alone in the world and you can really think.

I assume the next person loves seeing the rainbow after the rain stops.

:) Barbara
Sure do, one day I might stumble on that pot of gold:LOL: But I think it would be more fun to catch one of the wee people settin it down:-p

I assume the next person likes tomato sammies?
I've never had one, but I'm sure I would. I like tomatoes on meat sandwiches and alone.

I assume the next person likes stuffed french toast. (IHOP's is good!!)

:) Barbara
Now I've never had some, but I want to try it:) I hear they are nummy

Iassume the next person, likes waffles and straberries?
I love them!

I assume the next person will tell me "Good night, sleep tight, and don't let the bedbugs bite!"

:) Barbara
that's right and if they do take a shoe and beat um til theys black and blue:ROFLMAO:

I assume someone is tired after a long day?
Yep, and I have morning duty tomorrow and have to be there early (only 15 minutes, but it seems so much earlier!). I usually don't go to bed until 2:00, but I am really tired tonight. Goodnight!

I assume the next person is a really nice person!

:) Barbara
Yes I do. I always get into trouble because of it. :(

I assume the next person is getting ready for bed.

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