Trivia 1/28

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Chef Extraordinaire
Dec 20, 2005
southeastern pa.
trivia 1/28
If we shrink the earth down to the size of an apple, our atmosphere would be
the skin of that apple.

1. What year saw the release of the first “Barbie” doll ?
2. The United States Environmental Protection Agency limits the amount of
allowable VOCs in paint. What are VOCs?
3. What item tops most lists as the most recognized smell in the world?
4. In the King James Version Bible, what nationality was Goliath?
5. 'Can't Fight the Moonlight' by Leann Rimes was in which movie?
a. - The Full Monty
b. - Coyote Ugly
c. - Jerry Maguire
d. - Cocktail
6. Who Am I ??
People came to see me to hear me insult them and just about anyone else that
becomes a target, particularly hecklers. Do any of you hockey pucks know my
7. "This bubble gum has been around since the early 50's. Not only do you
get a chance to get your chewing satisfaction, you also get a cool comic to
read on every piece! Only 5 cents so get them while they last!" What's the
name of the comic character that goes with this gum?
8. Which John Le Carre novel could have been entitled "Itinerant Tinsmith,
Couturier, Conscript, Emissary"?

Paul Stookey, of Peter, Paul & Mary fame, wrote the song, ‘Don’t Think
Twice, It's Alright’
in under twenty minutes.
1. – 1959
2. Volatile Organic Compounds
3. Coffee
4. Philistine
5. - b
6. I am Don Rickles
7. Bazooka Joe
8. Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy

We aren’t sure how long it took to write the tune, but we DO know that Bob
Dylan wrote it.

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