Trivia 3/23

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Chef Extraordinaire
Dec 20, 2005
southeastern pa.
trivia 3/23
Mia Farrow made 13 movies with ex-partner Woody Allen.

1. How many Oscars has Film Legend Paul Newman won ?
(Bonus; how many times has he been nominated ?)
2. What are "Eponyms" ?
3. Saddle, Pivot, Hinge, and sliding are all terms that describe what parts of the human skeletal system ?
4. In the world of toys, which came first ; Crayola crayons or electric trains ?
5. How many hard-boiled eggs did the title character consume in the film Cool Hand Luke ?
6. According to the Superman story, he crash-landed on the Kent farm near Smallville, in what state ?
7. Name the popular cartoon sleuth that was voiced by actor Don Adams...
8. How long is a normal adult human appendix ?
Macroeconomics is the study of inflationary cycles.
1. One, for The Color of Money, (1987) Best Supporting Actor, unless you count the "Lifetime Achievement Award", given in 1986, in which case, two is correct; and if you count the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award (1992) that would be three......... I'm thinking, ONE . (Bonus; Ten)
2. terms derived from the names of people.
(Examples include "Adam's Apple", Achilles Heel, etc.)
3. Joints
4. Trains-1900 Crayons- 1903
5. 50
6. Kansas
7. Inspector Gadget
8. three to four inches
Macroeconomics is a branch of economics that studies how individuals, households, and firms make decisions to allocate limited resources.
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