Trivia 4/10

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Chef Extraordinaire
Dec 20, 2005
southeastern pa.
trivia 4/10
Chewing Gum contains more than 40 compounds, including pine resin, petroleum products and latex.
1. Fill in the blank; "______ % of all land in the United States is owned by the Federal Government."
a. – 12
b. – 22
c. – 32
d. - 42
2. Fort Dearborn grew to become what North American Metropolis ?
3. What U.S. autumn holiday is also celebrated in Spain, Italy, and Latin America ?
a. – Columbus Day
b. – Thanksgiving
c. – Halloween
d. – Labor Day
4. What large university is located at Gainesville, Florida ?
5. What Brand-Name treat comes in Sizzlin' Cinnamon, Buttered Popcorn, and Juicy Pear flavors, among others ?
6. What is Astronaut Mae Carol Jemison's historic "First" ?
(Hint; First African American woman ___ _____ )

7. What did Gollum (Lord of the Rings) call the ring he so desperately wanted back ?
8. Name that Dance : Quintessential 1960's dance, popular with Go-Go dancers and everyone else, that combined a slow jerk and "Pony" feet with arms and wrists rhythmically thrust over the head...
(Hint ; Begins with "F"...)

Casablanca, nominated for 8 academy Awards, only took home "Best Picture"
.1. - c
2. Chicago
3. - a
4. University of Florida
5. Jelly Bellies
6. First Afro-American Woman in space
7. "My Precious"
8. The Frug

CRAP !! The film classic took home top honors for Best Picture, Best Directing, and Best Adapted Screenplay. The biggest upset, perhaps, was Humphrey Bogart's missed bid for Best Actor.

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