Trivia 6/25

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Chef Extraordinaire
Dec 20, 2005
southeastern pa.
trivia 6/25
25% of all the people incarcerated in the world are locked up in jails and prisons in the U.S.A.

1. To which country must I travel to visit the most populous city on earth ?
2. CineMashups ; ....Wherein Dog trainers Dean Jones and Suzanne Plashette join Clint Eastwood in a search for buried confederate gold....
3. Johnny Cash had only one top ten Pop chart single in his long career; can you name it ?
(hint; the year was 1969, and it was recorded "live"...)
4. In what 1863 short story does Philip Nolan renounce his U.S. citizenship ?
5. In Spaceballs, what magic power is taught by the sage Yogurt ?
6. To which city must I travel to visit the Ebenezer Baptist Church, where Martin Luther King and his father before him were pastors ?
7. What children's book's title character infiltrates the garden of Farmer McGregor ?
8. What is the term for a whale's leap out of the water ?

The Flag of Denmark is the oldest national flag to have been used continuously.
1. India (Mumbai, formerly called Bombay)
2. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Dachshund
3. "A Boy Named Sue"
4. The Man Without a Country
5. the "Schwartz"
6. Atlanta
7. Peter Rabbit
8. Breaching (or lunging)
The national flag of Denmark, Dannebrog, is red with a white Scandinavian cross that extends to the edges of the flag; the vertical part of the cross is shifted to the hoist side.
Dannebrog is the oldest state flag in the world still in use, with the earliest undisputed source dating back to the 14th century.
Legend states the origin of the flag to the Battle of Lyndanisse, also known as the Battle of Valdemar (Danish: "Volmerslaget"), near Lyndanisse (Tallinn) in Estonia, on June 15, 1219.
The battle was going poorly, and defeat seemed eminent. But then, right when the Danes were to give up, the flag fell from heaven. Shipping the flag before it could ever touch the ground, the king took it in his hand, and proudly waved it in front of his discouraged troops, giving them hope, and leading them to victory.
The myth is clear. The flag, Dannebrog was giving to the Danes from God himself, and from that day forward, it was the flag of Denmark, and the Danish kings.

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