Trivia 8/2

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Chef Extraordinaire
Dec 20, 2005
southeastern pa.
Trivia 8/2
Dalai Lama comes from the Mongolian word "dalai" meaning "ocean" and the Tibetan word "bla-ma" meaning "guru/spiritual teacher". Combined it means "ocean teacher", literally "a teacher whose wisdom is as deep as the ocean."

1. Name that Flick !
'When you first entered the restaurant, I thought you were handsome.
Then, of course, you spoke.' -Helen Hunt
2. According to its official Nickname, what is Kentucky?
3. Which of these would you find on a ship ?
a. - Binnacle
b. - Barnacle
c. - Both
d. - Neither
4. According to popular folklore, witches cannot cross what ?
5. What was the name of the jewel worn by Kate Winslet in 'Titanic'?
6. Of these famous inventors, which one was the last to pass away, doing so in 1948?
a. - Benjamin Franklin
b. - Thomas Edison
c. - Orville Wright
d. - Alexander Graham Bell
7. Which historical event inspired the U2 song "Sunday Bloody Sunday"?
8. Micturition' is a medical term for which everyday bodily function?
a. - Eating
b. Blinking
c. Urination
d. Sneezing

Practical electric vehicles appeared during the 1890s.
1. As Good as It Gets
2. the Bluegrass State
3. - c
4. Running Water
5. The Heart of the Ocean
6. - c
7. A protest in Ireland in 1972
8. - c

Truth !!
Practical electric vehicles appeared during the 1890s.
By 1900, electric cars were so popular that New York City had a fleet of electric taxis.
An electric vehicle held the vehicular land speed record until around 1900.
In the 20th century, the high cost, low top speed, and short-range of battery electric vehicles, compared to internal combustion engine vehicles, led to a worldwide decline in their use as private motor vehicles.
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