Trivia 9/18

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Chef Extraordinaire
Dec 20, 2005
southeastern pa.
trivia 9/18
A Hippo's lips are about two feet wide.

1. What is the Latin translation of "I came, I saw, I conquered"?
a. - Veni, vidi, vici
b. - Veni, vici, vidi
c. - Vidi, veni, vici
d. - Vici, vidi, veni
2. The most abundant fish along the eastern coast of the United States is a
species of...
a. - Anchovy
b. - Cod
c. - Sardine
d. - Herring
3. Which coins have ridges on the side?
a. - pennies & dimes
b. - dimes & quarters
c. - nickels & quarters
d. - pennies & nickels
4. Who was the British Monarch during the time of Shakespeare ?
5. In the film, "Mars Attacks", whose voice made Martian heads explode
a. - Kate Smith
b. - Tiny Tim
c. - Slim Whitman
d. - Maria Callas
6. Before there were euros, what was the currency of Spain (from 1869 to
7. In which city does the Tournament of Roses take place?
8. How are the Latin terms superbia, avaritia, luxuria, invidia, gula, ira,
and acedia collectively known in English?

The unpleasant smell of a skunk's spray is caused by compounds of Sulphur..
1. - a
2. - a
3. - b
4. Elizabeth I
5. - c
6. the Peseta
7. Pasadena
8. the Seven Deadly Sins

Skunks produce an oily spray from anal glands as a defense when threatened.
The skunk's spray's unpleasant smell is due to a mixture of
sulphur-containing compounds called thiols, sometimes referred to as
mercaptans. These compounds are also used as a safety measure to provide a
smell to the odorless natural gas. Sulphur compounds are also responsible
for unpleasant aromas from rotten eggs and garlic.

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