Trivia 9/26

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Chef Extraordinaire
Dec 20, 2005
southeastern pa.
trivia 9/26
An early dispenser of the concepts of the immaculate conception and virgin
birth, this Bishop of the early Christian church, Ignatius of Antioch, may
have coined the term 'Catholic', around 107 A.D.

1. What would be the score if the server was up 2 points and the receiver
was up 3 points?
2. What is the only country to border both Lesotho and Swaziland?
a. - South Africa
b. - Botswana
c. - Zimbabwe
d. - Namibia
3. Which disorder is characterized by an interruption in breathing during
4. American Slang Dept;
If my brother looks out the window and says, "Wow ! It's a real Frog
Strangler out there !", what does he see ?
5. The year was 1991. The man had been pulled over for drunk driving. A
civilian onlooker shot a home video of the beating that was replayed over
and over on news reports. Who was the man that was badly beaten?
6. Who was the last politician to become U.S. president in March before the
20th Amendment moved the beginning of the term to January?
a. - Herbert Hoover
b. - Woodrow Wilson
c. - Warren G. Harding
d. - Franklin D. Roosevelt
7. Sadly, the Blues Brothers are languishing at a "Country and Western"
tavern. Which song do they choose to stay alive and on stage?
(Hint; TV Theme...)
8. Your basic recipe for beer contains four ingredients; name them ...

The first recorded gold ever discovered in U.S. territory was was a 17-ounce
nugget found at Sutter's Mill in Coloma, California, in 1848.
1. 30-40
2. - a
3. Sleep Apnea
4. It's Raining heavily
5. Rodney king
6. - d
7. Theme From 'Rawhide'
8. barley, Hops, Yeast, Water

The first recorded gold ever discovered in U.S. territory was was a 17-POUND
nugget found in Cabarrus, North Carolina. When more gold was discovered in
Little Meadow Creek, North Carolina, in 1803, the first U.S. gold rush

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