Tuesday 9-23-14, what's on your plate?

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Master Chef
Feb 20, 2011
Can't believe nobody has started a thread yet. We had pulled pork from freezer, Texas toast, and tried a new potato salad recipe, tri-colored new potatoes, sauteed leeks, mustard seed vinegrette.
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I just put together a batch of tomato sauce that's simmering now and will go over some chicken and prosciutto ravioli.
Crash potatoes with parm, bacon bits, sour cream and chives.

my version of chicken broccoli with steamed white rice
Crash potatoes with parm, bacon bits, sour cream and chives.

yer warmin' me irish heart! i could go gor a big plate of loaded crash!

kgirl, what frightened your broccoli? :yum:

taxy, oy vey, it's called a schmear!

cheryl, look over there... ^^yoink^^^

b, sounds like you dealt with some problematic peppers and tomatoes, then had a salad. :angel:

ok, i'm done.

had too much sugar on an empty stomach. dw cooked while i cleaned up the garden. i didna bother to ask what she added to s&p.
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After smelling crock pot pulled pork for seven hours last night, then spending an hour pulling it apart (and cleaning out every little speck of grease because me and grease don't get along), I ended up sending Himself out to grill a ham steak while I pan-cooked some TJ's fire-roasted corn. I had baked potatoes earlier, so they kept the ham company while it cooked. Had salads too. Looks like we're having pulled pork tomorrow. :LOL:
was it a pork shoulder steak himself grilled tonight, cg? or a ham (as in cured) steak?

i've never tried to grill the latter.
bt, it was a Sugardale center cut ham steak. I get them at Aldi's for around $3 a pound. Nice quick supper. Sometimes I'll throw them in my big skillet just long enough to sear the surface, then add lots of fresh green beans (about a pound for each of us - at 9 calories per ounce I figure we can :pig: on them):. Pour in a little water, put on a tight-fitting lid, and simmer until the beans are tender. They pick up a wonderful smoky ham flavor.

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