What are your garden plans for 2022?

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I had hoped to have a garden going this year but with the ankle...I think this summer I'll concentrate on getting some raised beds up and soil in. And I need to think of some sort of fence because of the deer.
This week is supposed to be in the 70's, so Im hoping to get the tomatoes, eggplants and peppers in. They've been Harding in and out of my garage. Im looking forward to Mother Nature taking care of them, as she'll do a much better job than I will.

Once they're out of the garage, Ill move the stuff I have in the basement ( under the lights) into the garage to take their place hardening off. Those would be the different squashes I got going ( Delicata, Spaghetti , Turban, pumpkin, butternut. Also got some beans down there ( yard long and winged, both new to me this year ).

Peanuts and okra still need to mature more before moving them up and out ( usually late may).

Ill head over to the nursery to get some cucumbers and zucchini.

Iill keep a close eye on my string beans. I started them outside , but they have a tendency to rot , even before sprouting, or the cut worms get them early on. So, Ill give them a week or so. f int looks like they are failing, ill pick them up too. Then its the waiting game, of nurturing them and letting them all mature.

Currently I got Onions, garlic, shallots, potatoes, spinach, carrots, beets ,cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts dill, cilantro, string beans all in, but not harvestable yet

lettuce, radish, arugula, chives, scallions all up and in the process of being eaten

Kale, harvested all last week to make room for the other things going in.

In addition, got 3 mushroom beds and 2 logs inoculated. Got some shiitake already. The others, may have to wait til fall to mature and produce.

Fruit trees flowering. Got a few rounds of mason bees to pollinate them.
Just got my first bunch of leaf cutter bees too pollinate the rest of the veggies as they flower
In a few weeks ill incubate the praying mantis egg sacs.
Right now, weeding and more weeding! I've picked sugar peas and spinach and lettuce, but weeds are trying to take over the tomato beds and green beans. We will have baby red potatoes soon, and the garlic will be ready to pull, hang and dry next month. The onions are doing well, especially the red salad onions. We have only two squash plants, which is plenty for two people to contend with!
The apple and pear trees are forming fruit, and we have teeny tiny bunches of grapes on our vine.

The herbs (which are placed in pots along the path) are coming out of the barn shelter and into their decorative ceramic pots.

Now, if I can only get a grip on those pesky weeds!
Due to some health issues for both of us, I have drastically cut back on our veggie gardening.

For the last 5 years or so I've been container-gardening, which has been working well.

This year I have 2 Roma plants, along with 1 each of Beefsteak tomato, Sweet 100 cherry tomato, green bell pepper, eggplant, zucchini, straight neck squash, and bush cucumber. Already have plenty of blossoms on the cherry tomato. Yeah!

Love watching everything grow and produce.
I'm trying to figure out where to put stuff. Non of the seeds I started inside survived. Don't know why I try.lol... every 5 years or so. Never succeed

So I have a question...
Garlic planted last fall looks good... can I plant some hybrid white radishes (minowase)
between them?

Came inside for a breather! It is 74 F -24 C out there.

No breeze, bent over crawling along on your knees, you can probably add about 10 degrees But I love it. ;)
dragn- if you haven't planted those radishes there. Garlic is just such a nitrogen hog, anything growing by them sucks nitrogen away and the garlic won't be as big. I've had large beds of garlic 1500 of them, some were weeded and some got away from us. The size of the garlics were smaller in the unweeded bed, sorry to say.

We've been so busy we have no time to go through everything we're planting....now until June 1st, that being the safe date for some things to go in, in SE Wisconsin. We did put in something new as a perennial this year. Lavender which are rated to grow in our zone 4 here. 3 feet across, so we put in 4 of them. We're talking about putting in 4 more. I'll be harvesting them for the flowers--from what I read, twice a year. I'll be using them in cooking and for teas. I love having something new to try.

We are watching the lunar eclipse--beautiful night!
We have been watering like crazy since we are about 10" short of normal rainfall for the year.

We had a bumper crop of sugar peas, spinach, and lettuce. The green beans are doing well, and the Roma and cherry tomatoes are ripening and a few will be picked in the next couple of days. The red onions did well, the white onions less well, but we do have them although smallish. The yellows didn't do well, but at least they are cheap in the grocery and I only use them for cooking.
We will water, add compost to the spent areas, and plan for the fall garden. Despite the challenges of gardening in Texas, we do get two growing seasons!
Larry, cool season crops are spring planted (Feb. March) and longer season crops like tomatoes and peppers go in in April and finish by Oct., Nov.

For the fall season, we plant the cool season crops like broccoli, lettuce, spinach, etc. in late Sept.

We plant garlic once, in late Oct. Onion starts go in in Jan. or Feb.

We gardened in upstate NY for years, and learned not to "jump" the seasons, no matter how great the temptations. When there, we never had a lack of rain and didn't have to haul water!
We gardened in upstate NY for years, and learned not to "jump" the seasons, no matter how great the temptations. When there, we never had a lack of rain and didn't have to haul water!

Trust me , Im always trying to extend the seasons , but Mother Nature has a plan of her own. Slowly I'm learning to stick to a schedule , and ignore the occasional freaky early warm day. Sometimes even 1 week makes all the difference.
We'll just wait and see now what we get to harvest!

Finally! finished all the vegies! We're having rain for the next two days, I was putting the tools away when the first drops came down.

Put in 2nd rows of spinach, 1st rows not ready yet. Bought a pot of orange cauliflower and one of the green (with spikes). Both pots had 4 sprouts 7 or 8" plants. Each pot was $1.50 - Score!

2 pots of single plants Eggplant, one asian, other globe. One pot of parsley and one of basil - both separated into several plantings. One rosemary (mine did not survive the move).

Moved Helios Heron to a better spot.
Previously had planted green and yellow bush beans, all about 6/7" high. Bush peas about 4".
Last years thyme made a difficult comeback. Oregano\chives are great. Finally saw some action on the sage - lol, was just about to pull it out!
Purple asparagus is now 2 years old. We will harves more of it next year.
Strawberries never made it but I replanted some wild ones from a garden I was clearing.

Came in took several pills, didn't really make the evening better - but it's done!
Wise enough to put one of my canes near the bed for this morning!
Now that I'm up and after the initial breaking of joints, actually feel pretty darn good! Guess those pills helped last night after all. :rolleyes:

Edit: thanks bliss, I did not plant the radish seeds at all. Will see what happens as the summer goes on. But did get to put in some Bok Choy seeds after they clear the monstous tree that fell on the garden.
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I have tried growing strawberries, both domestic and wild. The squirrels get there before I do. I'll just have to make do with the locally grown ones that I can buy.

Decades ago, I lived in the country. There were a few patches of wild strawberries. One year there was a bumper crop of wild strawberries. I actually managed to make about a dozen half pint jars of wild strawberry jam. That was the best jam I have ever made and probably the best jam I have ever tasted.
We were super duper busy getting our wintersown transplants and the ones in the house, out into the gardens. We installed 2 arches from cattle panels for vining things.

We're almost done with some exceptions, too many pepper plants tomato plants keeper onion starts. Our flat gardens are covered in landscape fabric with holes cut in them and those are mostly full now. The lettuce raised bed is full and producing, the strawberry raised bed in also full. The spearmint came back (of course) but the lemon balm is barely coming back.

The apple, pear, cherries, apricot, plum trees flowered and are starting to make fruit, the new grape vines and raspberries are filling out. The asparagus beds have been great and we've been eating it ongoing for weeks.

The herbs are growing, and I have 3 buckets of lemon grass I'm hoping to harvest by fall, but if they don't expand a lot, then they'll overwinter in the garage. We put in lavender and sunflowers and amaranth along with various annual flower seeds.

I sprouted some creeping thyme which I hope takes over as a ground cover near the lettuce garden between pavers, I hope. It's going to be a busy year!
Ive been pretty busy as well. Just when I thought I was at the point where I can sit back and enjoy, I realized my peas will be coming out soon, garlic in about a month and onions in about a month and 1/2. That means I need to start planning and planting crops to replace them after they are done.
So, my sit back and enjoy day turned into planting more string beans, pole beans, chard, kirbies, and a few squash. Hoping I'm timing it right, but need know what mother nature is going to throw at us.

Pruned some tomatoes today, wrapped the center leaves of my cauliflower to protect the cauliflower itself.

Walked around making sure the vine plants ( pole beans, cakes, kirbies ..) were climbing up the nets and trellis, and not going rogue ( and correcting the ones that had a mind of their own).

A little scare with the garlic the other day. I noticed several of the scapes coming up yellow and slightly misinformed. After the last few year of issues with poor drainage, I got nervous, so I picked one of them. Obviously immature, but I also tugged on the scape itself , and it came out easy, almost asa if the central portion was rotting. Never had this before. Only affecting a very few, but Im keeping a close eye.
I have not seen any scapes on the garlic yet. Wondering what's going on with them. Do they come just before harvesting? Leaves are getting pretty long!.
Usually 3 - 4 weeks before harvesting ( in my experience ).

Here's the pic of my normal and abnormal scape.

(Will be making scape pesto tomorrow )


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Tennessee is cutting scapes right now. Wisconsin is waiting for them to form. Another week or so.
I have not seen any scapes on the garlic yet. Wondering what's going on with them. Do they come just before harvesting? Leaves are getting pretty long!.

What kind of garlic are you growing? From what I have read, only the hardneck garlic varieties grow scapes.
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