I forgot to put salt and pepper in the gravy this morning, CG. Can you believe that? Who the heck does that?
Seeing someone else forget something actually makes me feel better, as weird as that may sound. Thank you!
Tuxy already has a loving home. And there are many cats back in Romania that need a nice warm home. Try to find a stuffed Tuxy that she can take with her on the plane.
wacko: No, not the original) It will help distract her on the plane ride home.
When I flew out to California from Massachusetts, I was sitting beside a 12 y.o. boy. He had a cat in a carrier traveling with him. Both were very nervous. After some encouragement, the boy finally settled down, not the cat so much. He cried the whole five hours of the trip. As the plane started to descend the poor cat started howling as if it was in it last throws. I told the boy to stick his fingers in his ears so they wouldn't hurt him so much. The cat wouldn't listen. I felt so sorry for that animal. The boy was fine. His ears didn't hurt him.
Some airliners allow you to keep a small animal carrier on board with you as long as it will fit under the seat in front of you. Some will not and the animal will have to go into the hold with the rest of the luggage. Total darkness.
And remember Cat and Carl will be back with Ana and she will get to see her Tuxy again.
Admit it Joyce. You love and are really enjoying all the confusion and love that has come into your home.
wacko: No, not the original)
That was rather disturbing, but hilarious!
There's nothing like a great Freudian slip on a message board.
Y'all are right. We talked about this over breakfast. My theories are these:
Cat already has Misty and Kali, her cats, but they're grumpy old farts who want nothing to do with children and noise, so Anna hasn't really bonded with them.
Misty and Kali won't be happy to see another cat come in.
Tuxy wouldn't know what to make of a trip like that and a house as big as theirs. I'm afraid he'd be traumatized, which could break his loving spirit, and he could turn against Anna.
Anna's too young to care for a cat.
When Anna gets home to the extended family, she'll be distracted enough all over the place, and may forget him anyway.
Tuxy likes to play with his brother and sister here, and he wouldn't have anyone to play with there.
So, Cat and Carl agreed on a big stuffed plush cat for her. Anna can "have" Tuxy when she's here.
And to perfectly honest, I love my Tuxy! I don't want to give him away, danggitall!
I think Cat and Carl were so swept up in how cute and sweet Anna and Tuxy look together they didn't look at the realities. And I wasn't being mean when I said, "But what about me and my feelings for Tuxy?"
Another crisis averted. Thanks ladies!
They do have a bunch of cats there on the property in the barn, and sometimes there are kittens. I suggested Cat could keep two kittens so they would leave Misty and Kali alone. Play is essential for kittens and young cats.
Tuxy, Buster, and Molly are still very young and try to kill each other on a daily basis.
Yes, I do like the commotion pretty much, but at the end of the day, the peace and quiet is even more appreciated! Phew!! Kids!