Walkers Prawn Cocktail potato crisps review....

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Master Chef
Nov 8, 2004
Well I can only get a small bag of this stuff from a specialty food store.

Never had tasted a prawn before so I do not know what they taste like. Never had much cocktail sauce either so this combo is totally new flavor for me.

The chips 100% had a flavor to them.

I guess it had a good cocktail sauce flavor to them. I think they had a bit of sweet flavor to them.

I will give this chip a thumbs in the middle, I think my rating would be higher sure if I had eaten more of both products previously.
That's interesting. I can't imagine a chip tasting like a shrimp cocktail!
Why do some manufacturers insist on screwing up perfectly good potato chips?

They are very popular in Ireland.

They come in all kinds of weird flavors.

I live in a very Irish neighborhood, so the corner stores near me carry huge supplies of crisps. They come in big boxes with a round hole to stick your hand in and pull out a bag. The boxes are stacked floor to ceiling.

Some of the flavors are very good ... prawn cocktail not so much. An acquired taste maybe.

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