Welcome all newbies!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

Chef Mark

Senior Cook
Feb 19, 2008
Once you feel your way around this forum you'll be anxious to check out DC...I was...very knowledgeable and helpful folks...still a 'baby' myself here.:chef:
Chef Mark: I have already spent hours checking this place out and haven't made a dent yet. This is one of the most interesting places I've been on the 'net.
Just jump in MIOguy and don't get offended if you don't get much of a response at times---everybody's schedules differ and of course this weekend is a holiday weekend. Welcome to DC in the meantime.
New Member

I am new to this...but I love to cook....so I am excited to be a part of this forum. I am a South Texas girl...I love to bake bread...and pretty much anything. Hello to all!
remember, the more you post, the more we can get to know you (and make fun of you :cool:).

or for the pessimists: if you don't post, you don't exist.

welcome all-uh yous new guys:-p
I chat in other cooking forums...and just came across this one today! I will post...I do exist! I am fun to make fun of...but I like to dish it out as well!
I'm new here......

I am so happy to find this forum, I'm new here. I love to cook and bake..I .live in southeast Texas! Glad to meet everyone!;)
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