What are some good 'all in one' dishes?

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Wholesome Joe

Assistant Cook
Feb 27, 2011
Hello, 1st post here.

I like things like stews which allow me to get my vege. meat and other carb. (i.e. bread in this case) all in one dish.

What are some others all in ones like this to vary things up?
Shepard's pie is the first thingn that comes to mind. And it is great for using up leftovers. Make extra mashed potatoes, veggies and meat one night. Then layer them with some gravy . Check out different recipes for this and you will find there are a million ways to make it.

Yes I'm a big fan of these oldschool wholesome dishes (I imagine they were made/evolved for this same reason, with practicality in mind) so more along these lines welcome.
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I made a chicken stew with drop dumplings the other night. The dumplings consisted of 2 cups of all-purpose flour, 1 tablespoon of baking powder, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 cup of milk (heated in the microwave for 1 minute)and 3 tablespoons of melted butter.

Here's a pic:


  • chicken-stew-with-drop-dumplings.jpg
    61.8 KB · Views: 230
I made a chicken stew with drop dumplings the other night. The dumplings consisted of 2 cups of all-purpose flour, 1 tablespoon of baking powder, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 cup of milk (heated in the microwave for 1 minute)and 3 tablespoons of melted butter.

Here's a pic:

That looked so good my nose hit the screen!
I made a chicken stew with drop dumplings the other night. The dumplings consisted of 2 cups of all-purpose flour, 1 tablespoon of baking powder, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 cup of milk (heated in the microwave for 1 minute)and 3 tablespoons of melted butter.

Here's a pic:

YUM!!! I was thinking about a potpie for this week, but you have changed my mind...
Chicken Fricassee, Coq Au Vin, Beef Bourguignon, Shrimp Stew, Bouillabaisse, Chicken Tortilla Soup...
Cornbread Pot Pie. Cooked chicken in cream of soup sauce with mixed vegetables. Warm up on stove top.

Mix one package cornbread mix.

Pour filling into casserole.
Pour cornbread batter on top.
Cook according to batter mix directions.

It comes out perfect every time.
Chilaquiles, chile, paella, arros con pollo, chowdah!

Chicken or pork fried rice is an easy one for me. Leftover rice works best. Can be made with frozen mixed veggies but I use fresh. Here's how I make it:

2 chicken breasts -- or -- 3 pork chops, chopped into bite sized pieces
4-5 green onions, diced
4-6 cloves of fresh garlic, minced (use less if you don't like garlic as much as me)
1 medium carrot, diced
1 cup of peas
1 ear of corn, cut from the cob
5-7 fresh chilis (use less if you don't like spicy food as much as me)
2 cups of rice, pre-cooked (at LEAST 12 hrs old, refrigerated, 24 is better)
1 egg
Rice vinegar
Peanut oil
Soy sauce

Pour a bit of peanut oil in a large wok (how much depends on your taste, you can always add more) on medium heat. After the oil starts to heat, add the garlic and green onions.

After a minute or so, add the meat. Toss the meat, garlic and onions together until the meat is about half-way cooked. Add the vegetables and fresh chilis, a few shakes of rice vinegar and a bit of soy sauce. Continue to stir until they just begin to get tender (takes about 5 minutes).

Depends on the size of your wok and your own prowess, but I usually remove the vegetable / meat mix from the wok at this point rather than adding the rice to it, because I find it's easier to do what I need with the rice without flinging it everywhere and making a mess. Set it aside in a bowl, it will be added back in momentarily.

With the wok still hot, add the rice. You may need another splash of peanut oil at this point, depends on your rice. As the rice is heating, use the spoon to break up any clumps, add a few more splashes of rice vinegar and 1 or 2 of soy sauce. Stir well to ensure the vinegar and soy sauce coat the rice evenly. Once the rice is nice and hot, add the egg, stirring continuously until the egg is cooked (won't take long).

Return the meat / veggie mix to the wok at this point. Stir well, reduce heat to low and cover so it can simmer for another 3-4 minutes and allow the flavors to set.

Sorry I can't be specific about the amounts of rice vinegar, soy sauce and peanut oil to use. I never measure that stuff. It's all guess, dump, recalibrate as needed. :)
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cmarchibald, your chicken fried rice sounds a lot like our "bachelor surprise".

For two to three servings:

500 grams ground beef
~ 3 cups frozen mixed vegis or cooked (or raw), chopped leftover vegis, at least a few different kinds.
~ 2 cups cold, cooked rice, preferably long grain, because it doesn't stick together as much as short grain rice does
1 onion, not too small, larger if you like more onion
sesame seeds
vegetable oil (I usually use EVOO 'cause it's handy in my cupboard)

If using frozen vegis, nuke to thaw them, or start stir frying them with a little bit of oil. When they are thawed add the meat and onions and a bit more oil. I haven't made this with fresh vegis, but this looks like the time to add them.

You now have vegis, onions, and meat on the pan. Stir the vegis separately from the onion-meat mix, which you also stir - lots of stirring.

When the meat is nearly completely browned, stir everything together and stir some more. This is the time to add previously cooked vegis.

When the meat is brown, add the rice and about 2 tablespoons of sesame seeds. Turn up the heat and stir, stir, stir, until the sesame seeds start popping. Sprinkle on some tamari and stir for another 5-10 seconds.

When we don't have cold, cooked rice, we cook some rice and serve it with the vegi/meat mix on top.

The name comes from a friend. Her bachelor surprise is a round up of whatever meat (cooked or raw), vegis (cooked or raw), and cooked carb is in the fridge, so it's usually a surprise what you get.

We just found that we usually had rice and the frozen mixed veg and ground beef go really well. I added the tamari and sesame seeds.
New England boiled dinner made with homemade corned beef. It also gives you other meals: corned beef hash, corned beef soup, corned beef sandwiches. ruben sandwiches, and there might be more.
Another way to make boiled dinner: boil a ham for a few hours, then boil carrots, potatoes, onion and cabbage in the liquid. The liquid can also be poured over the potatoes after you mash them. It could also be thickened into gravy, I suppose.

One of my favorite one dish recipes is pizza pot pie. This one was passed down from my great grandma. No clue where she got it.

1 can crescent rolls
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 8 oz can pizza sauce
1 can mushrooms (or use fresh)
1 can French style green beans
1 medium onion
1 lb ground beef
1 egg, beaten
8 oz shredded cheddar

Brown ground beef with chopped onion, drain. Meanwhile, arrange crescent roll dough into a pie pan to create a crust. Press seams together. Add green beans, soup, pizza sauce, and mushrooms to ground beef and bring to a boil. Pour egg into crust and swish around, then discard (keeps crust from getting soggy). Pour in ground beef mixture. Bake on 350 for 45-50 min. Top with shredded cheese, put back in oven til cheese melts. Let cool for ten min.

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