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Dawgluver said:
I have the Food Channel on on 2 different TVs in 2 different rooms. Channel 231. When the commercials came on, they were 2 different commercials! I thought one TV must be on a different channel, but no, both on 231. Same satellite system. I've never noticed this before.

Sounds like you are in the twilight zone to me!
We bought a phony wasp nest at the hardware store. About $8. Hang it where they are hanging out and they won't regroup there since they are territorial. Only thing is it is made of paper and won't handle heavy rainstorms.
Discovered this summer just how allergic I am to these little monsters. Ouch.for 3 weeks.
Just cleaned out the upstairs freezer drawer. It was hard saying goodbye to some old friends: bacon from '05, apple cake from '08, 4 year old lefse, dessicated basil cubes, various miscellany. The more I dug, the more surprises. Couldn't get rid of the 4 year old morel butter. Thankfully I usually label with contents and date, though some were unreadable. The chest freezer in the basement will be next, and I'm not looking forward to it.
And scare the firefighters away? Nope!

Fires are so terryfying. I was evacuated once. When the block of houes in back of us were on fire. It is amazing how the firefirghters kept the fire away from the houses on my side of the block.

When my granddaughter first got married her husband was a firefighter. He changed over to the police department because the money was better. In my opinion, they don't pay either one enough. :angel:
That sounds good Chopper :yum:

I have recently got up and had my first coffee for the day ;)

Relaxing one today, still trying to get rid of this cold...getting there :)

Looks like a perfect Spring day...must sit out in the garden and get some sun :)
Happy spring Kylie. Feels very "fall like" today here. The trees are starting to change color.
That sounds good Chopper :yum:

I have recently got up and had my first coffee for the day ;)

Relaxing one today, still trying to get rid of this cold...getting there :)

Looks like a perfect Spring day...must sit out in the garden and get some sun :)

Are you just getting up today, the 15th or are you just getting up tomorrow the 16th?

Very confusing! :ermm::ohmy::LOL:
That sounds good Chopper :yum:

I have recently got up and had my first coffee for the day ;)

Relaxing one today, still trying to get rid of this cold...getting there :)

Looks like a perfect Spring day...must sit out in the garden and get some sun :)

You know what they say about curing a cold.

Stay home and treat it yourself, and it will take 14 days. Go to the doctor for it and it will take two weeks. The choice is your. Get some rest and plenty of liquids. :angel:
So you already know what I had for breakfast tomorrow! :ermm::ohmy::LOL:


I just got up (it is Saturday September 15th at 2:55 pm ;)) from my second nap of the day. Have been having horrid migraines all week.

The good news is DH cleaned up the kitchen, made his dinner for here and lunch to go for work, left some for me and took the dogs out for an extra walk so they won't pester me!

If my head allows (dull roar right now) I'm going to work on my latest baby hat - have 5 orders and haven't even set up my web pages yet! :)
You know what they say about curing a cold.

Stay home and treat it yourself, and it will take 14 days. Go to the doctor for it and it will take two weeks. The choice is your. Get some rest and plenty of liquids. :angel:

Yep, been treating myself and getting plenty of rest, drinking loads of water too :)
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