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I just threw together some CP pea soup with a ham bone, after all the discussion it got me to thinking. We're going to a trivia night tomorrow, and we're all supposed to bring some food to share. Hmm. Better get out some bowls and spoons too.

Yum, that soup sounds lovely DL :yum:
Kylie, it is an artificial tree. :( we had to do that because we have 20-25 ft ceilings. (Our tree is 12 ft.). I thought a smaller one would look funny so we bought the artificial one, as finding/getting/buying a fresh 12 foot tree every year would be cost prohibitive, not to mention trying to put lights on one( ours is pre-lit). I resisted artificial trees until we built this home and it just seems to work best for us. What about you? I am not familiar with all of the types of trees in Oz, I know that there is 20% forest land, but probably different from N. American forests :)

Oh okay, I see..yes, it certainly needed to be trimmed :)

We just have an artificial one too...we will be putting it up tomorrow so I will take a photo :)
It has been such a hot, muggy afternoon YUK!!

I wrapped some Christmas presents and got all the Christmas stuff out ready put up tomorrow, looking forward to it :)

Had a lovely dinner, done all the dishes and now relaxing, best part of the day ;)
thinking. thinking my Mom got me the boots i requested. i'm getting those boots. i know my Mom quite well. 'we'll seeeeeeeeeeeee' means she's getting them.


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thinking. thinking my Mom got me the boots i requested. i'm getting those boots. i know my Mom quite well. 'we'll seeeeeeeeeeeee' means she's getting them.

hot looking boots, luvs, hope you get them. is it your b-day, or are we talking christmas?

i'll have to change my own response to gift requests from my girl, cause i say the same thing as your mom.--hadn't realized it's such a 'tell'.....
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hot looking boots, luvs, hope you get them. is it your b-day, or are we talking christmas?

i'll have to change my own response to gift requests from my girl, cause i say the same thing as your mom.--hadn't realized it's such a 'tell'.....

Christmas. tattoo 4 my 32nd. my Mom is getting sweeeet gifts this year, as per usual. she luvs boots & owns many pairs of them, herself. as 4 giving, i save from 1 year to another so as to give & give alike~
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It is a lovely cool morning and I have the whole house open getting this lovely air in and clearing out all the humid air from the past couple of days :)

Steve is about to make me some pancakes...looking forward to that ;)
Just finished tidying up the house. My son, his wife, and two boys will be here within the hour. My DIL and I will spend the day shopping tomorrow. I don't know what the boys will do. Then we all have a Christmas party to go to tomorrow night. We will all do something together on Sunday before they go back home.
Just finished tidying up the house. My son, his wife, and two boys will be here within the hour. My DIL and I will spend the day shopping tomorrow. I don't know what the boys will do. Then we all have a Christmas party to go to tomorrow night. We will all do something together on Sunday before they go back home.

Chops, that is lovely that your family is coming over :)

Your shopping trip and Christmas party sounds fabulous, have a wonderful time :)
Steve and I have just been out and bought a new Samsung monitor for me :)

It is a 24 inch Samsung and has such a widescreen compared to the 22 inch I have before...better resolution top and lovely vibrant colours and is full HD :)

We also bought the new Mac Mini from the Apple online store but Steve did a custom built order for me so I have more ram, faster CPU and a Fusion drive :)

This is all in place of the new iMac I was going to get...I decided the new Mac Min would be better as it has very similar specs to the iMac but if I wish to upgrade the size of monitor again and the ram etc, I can with the Mac Mini ;)
thinking. thinking my Mom got me the boots i requested. i'm getting those boots. i know my Mom quite well. 'we'll seeeeeeeeeeeee' means she's getting them.

When my kids were small and they wanted something I would tell them. "we'll see, I don't know, maybe, I will try." But if I said the words "I promise", they never asked again. They knew I never broke a promise to them and that they would have it. Maybe not in the next 24 hours, but within reason. :angel:
Well, it seems that all the angels are working overtime. My daughter just called me and what a difference from Thanksgiving. Her spirits are really high. She is making plans for her party for her in-laws. She asked me to make some cookies.

I have some of the Chewy Chocolate cookies with Sea Salt from the Chew program in the freezer. I am going to bake a couple of them so she can taste them.

She has made plans to have her husband drive us around out in the suburbs to see all the lighted houses. Something we have done every year. I told her a quick little joke and she laughed so hard. It was good to hear it. She scared me for a second. She was talking about how sick and weak the chemo makes her. She mentioned that she doesn't think she can do it until next August. Then she quickly said, "I have to. It's my brain and my life. I don't want to die"

Thank you all for the angels. I know it is silly to think a little emoticon can be responsible, but until someone proves to me other wise, I will continue to believe. I believe we all have an angel that watches over us. Even if it is a loved one who has passed away. If I didn't believe that, I doubt if I could accept my youngest daughter's murder. She is looking down on us and watching over her five children :angel: And one for all of you. :angel:
Have an ice pack on my new knee and waiting for a small pan of potatoes to boil so I can make some potato rolls.

Glenn's son came by just after Thanksgiving and I'd made some as a treat for us because I craved something that spoke of Thanksgiving to me. Kenneth ate two and almost went into a spasm. He was in "yummy heaven."

We're babysitting Kenneth's dog this weekend, so I thought when he comes to pick up Baxter I'd give him his own whole batch of potato rolls to take home for a treat. He's a big man so I don't know how long 18 potato rolls will last.:rolleyes:
I'm gabbing with a friend who stayed over. We are both surfing the web in between talking. We are also enjoying a brunch buffet of good breads, cheeses, pate, and salami.
Gotta quit dinking around and go out to cut down the dead plant stalks.
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