Nothing - FINALLY! After getting home in the wee hours on Friday, I've done nothing but laundry and clean. Friday saw four rounds through the washer and dryer, along with a fifth today.
When we got home, Himself saw a little mouse skitter along the foundation ledge in the garage. I missed the mouse...but found plenty of his "rice" as evidence.
Pulled out a box of moth balls I bought after the last mouse event (danged furball made a nest in my van's heater fan - cost a couple hundred of dollars to undo that...), scattered them around the sill and under the cars, and went to bed. Nearly asphyxiated us, since the smell leaked into the house. (I told Himself we need new weatherstripping on the door to the garage.
Thankfully, it was in the mid-50s on Saturday, so we moved the cars out and I moved
everything, sweeping the foundation ledge and the mudsill all around the place, moved everything away from the walls, and made sure there were no mousy souvenirs. Plus, it will be easy to spot if the mouse is still around. After picking up all the mothballs and putting them into an old yogurt carton, I have just a couple at the corners of the garage that might be entry points for any small critter. No smell in the house, but I hope it's enough to deter woodland critters.