What are your garden plans for 2021?

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Yesterday I found my first eggplant blossom, on one of the Neon plants. Usually the Ichiban is my first, but this year those seeds did not germinate at first, so I had to retry them, so they are behind the others.
First eggplant blossom so far, on one of the Neon plants. 5-27 by pepperhead212, on Flickr

A couple of days ago I noticed that one of the 3 "extra" rooted lemongrass stalks, grew more up top in the rooting cup, than the three I planted in the ground. So I planted this one outside; I'll see which three do best, and keep those.
One of my extra lemongrass rootings. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Today, before the rain started, I buzzed the tomato blossoms again - probably the last time, because I'm starting to see some bees, plus almost all of them have open blossoms now. Only Annie's Singapore Grape has some unopened buds, and Ruth's Perfect is the only one with no flower buds at all, though growing very well.

Yesterday, I noticed some unopened flower buds on some of the pepper plants in the Earthboxes that I need to cover, before the pepper maggot flies get to the peppers forming. I was getting ready to do that, and of course, it suddenly became windy! So that job will have to wait for a calm day. I'm trying some ultrafine tulle fabric, which will let more light and air in, compared to the finest Agribon I have used, through the years. I'll see how durable it is, in comparison. It will also let me see what's going on inside there much better, as far as what's growing, as well as any problems. So far, no black aphids under the covers in the EBs through the years - years ago, I would have to watch closely, when planting in the ground, in hoop houses.
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Wish you were my neighbor, you're have an endless supply :)
Did you try my suggestion in my previous post? Radishes are completely different when roasted, either in the oven or pan roasted on top of the stove. Melt a bit of butter in a pan, put cleaned and halved radishes cut side down in the pan, and cover. Cook on med-low for about five minutes, then give them a good stir. Simmer a few more minutes until they are a bit tender. Maybe like a potato for potato salad, or a bit softer. Nothing like a raw radish.
Did you try my suggestion in my previous post? Radishes are completely different when roasted, either in the oven or pan roasted on top of the stove. Melt a bit of butter in a pan, put cleaned and halved radishes cut side down in the pan, and cover. Cook on med-low for about five minutes, then give them a good stir. Simmer a few more minutes until they are a bit tender. Maybe like a potato for potato salad, or a bit softer. Nothing like a raw radish.

Haven't tried it yet, but this is a good weekend to give it a go, as it is cold and rainy. I gave most of them away but still kept about 20 for myself. After this week they'll all be gone, as I have to make room for the sweet potatoes. My daughter had tried pan roasting and actually like it a lot. We will be visiting her next week, so as long as the radishes hold out for the week, Ill bring a bunch to her too. ( Haven't seen her since thanksgiving ).
I thought that I was going to be able to cover my phone peppers today, but it got too windy, once I was out there. I sprayed some Surround, plus some potassium bicarbonate as a fungal preventative, on many of the plants, since some had washed off, with the 3" of rain, plus a lot more growth, especially on the tomatoes. With the spraying, I had to pause frequently, due to the gusty wind. When I got around to the front, I noticed that 2 of my Little Lucy okras were not looking good - sort of wanting to wilt over, while the other 16 look fine, and grew some, despite the cold. So I started a couple more, since I'll probably be pulling those two.

My basils are cloning now - a little late, but the plants don't have to be producing well, until tomatoes start up. I'm sort of glad I didn't have them out already - basil is the most sensitive to cold, like we just got.
Thai Basil, cloned for 5 days. by pepperhead212, on Flickr
Dave, what are "phone peppers"?

LOL! I couldn't change that here, due to the time limit. I have no idea how that word PHONE got in there. There wasn't even another word there, and I don't use any spell check, for obvious reasons! I posted it somewhere else, and as I was adding something else, I saw it. It wasn't something I was doing in late night, so I can't use that as an excuse.
Quick question, what's the amount of water to Surround ratio.
The label on the bag I got said see booklet for mixing directions, and I either threw the booklet out by accident or it was never sent/ attached .
Larry, I always loose those little instruction booklets attached to those small concentrates, and the like. I always end up downloading the pdf for the item, onto my phone - I have at least a dozen!

I have seen 1.5 to 3 c per gallon suggested for Surround. I use 2 c/gal, and I put it in a very fine stainless strainer, 1/2 c at a time, and slowly wash it into the sprayer tank, using the shower outlet of the hose nozzle. This strains out anything that might plug the sprayer, plus it breaks up the small particles of Surround - I do this with anything I put into the sprayers.
Larry, I always loose those little instruction booklets attached to those small concentrates, and the like. I always end up downloading the pdf for the item, onto my phone - I have at least a dozen!

I have seen 1.5 to 3 c per gallon suggested for Surround. I use 2 c/gal, and I put it in a very fine stainless strainer, 1/2 c at a time, and slowly wash it into the sprayer tank, using the shower outlet of the hose nozzle. This strains out anything that might plug the sprayer, plus it breaks up the small particles of Surround - I do this with anything I put into the sprayers.

Make sense, thanks !

I was going to apply it last week, but with the amount of rain they said we were going to get ( and we got), I figured best to wait until this week ( tomorrow). I basically just got them in the ground and haven't seen any evidence of harmful insects on the cukes so I should be good.

Cant say the same about the potato plants. Those damn potato Beatles are back in full force. Spent the morning scraping the eggs of the undersides of the leaves.

I did release a bunch of praying mantises which just hatched. We harvested the egg sacks at the end of last year. kept them in the garage to over winter, and they just hatched. So now I have an army of hundreds of praying mantises to help me out. Last year I had 2 egg sacks that hatched and they say anywhere from 50 - 200 per egg sack. Of those, only 6 - 8 stuck around my yard ( or made it to adulthood).


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I got my peppers covered - the 3 Earthboxes in which I grow the varieties that attract the pepper maggot flies, mostly milder varieties. I used the fine tulle fabric, instead of the thinnest Agribon that I have used before. I'll see how it works out. It's easier for the air to go through, and much easier to see through.
Two Big Chili Numex, and two Jalafuegos, covered, to keep the pepper maggot flies off of the. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Three Giuzeppi Numex, and one Ancho Ranchero, covered with tulle fabric. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

2 Hanoi market, 2 Superthai, left in the back, and 1 Hong Gochu, on the right, in the back, covered. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

The Hot Paper Lantern on the right, getting flowers already - first of the chinense varieties to flower. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

The brown on some of the leaves is from the cold in early May, when I had to plant these (they were just getting too large!), and I covered them, but it was in the low 40s, and some damage was done.

The lettuce is doing well, but I assume I will have to use it quickly, since we are getting hotter soon - 5 days in the 90s in the 10 day forecast.
Lettuce is doing well, but more heat is coming, unfortunately. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

More lettuce, shadowed by the dill. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

More lettuce, barely visible through all the dill and chives. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

As you can see, the dill is also doing great, and I have a bunch of volunteer dills around my garden, as well.
Your dill looks really healthy. I had a better year than usual with the dill, but doesn't compare to what you got going on there.

We're basically having either salad, or a lettuce based dinner every day this week, as by the end of the week, its getting ripped up, partially due to the hot temps expected, and partial to make room for sweet potatoes . Ill plant again in September.

usually I plant enough dill to freeze for the year. I try to do it early cause mine gets buggy during the summer, and dill freezes well.
Any tips on growing dill? I have bought dill seedlings in the past, but they always die within a few weeks, while other seedlings have done fine.
Dave, what are you doing about pollination of those protected peppers? Are you going to hand polinate?
Peppers are self pollinating, though they can also cross, with wind, as well as pollinators. The first season, many years ago, when I put these pepper maggot prone varieties under cover, I had these concerns, and was watching the peppers closely, but the ones under cover seemed to be getting even more peppers! So there has never been a problem with them. And fortunately, around August 1st, the cover is removed, as the flies are gone in late July.

As for the dill, they are incredibly easy to grow. I grow it from seed - direct seed, soaking the seeds for a few hours, and putting a few in each spot. I have found the Dukat variety to be best for the foliage, though it eventually bolts, and produces a generous amount of seeds. Grows well indoors, too, in hydroponics, and grows even longer, before bolting.
I always figured that dill should be easy to grow. It's often referred to as dill weed. But, I have tried growing it indoors and outdoors with no luck. Maybe I should look for seeds of that Dukat variety.
Ive had issues with keeping it alive indoors . The leaves are so fine that the lack of humidity seems to dry them out quickly, That being said, I start them indoors in a pot, and once they get going I get them outside. I like to do a lot in spring too have enough to freeze and use throughout the year. Ill do the same in the fall. Dill freezes easily, and I find dill to get hit with bugs more during the summer months. So for these reasons , I keep them in pots so they dont take up any room from plants that ill have all summer.
On another note, I find the dill plants that do best, are the ones that self start from seeds that the wind must have blown from my hand and self planted themselves. They seem to know the best time and locations too germinate to do well.

Has anyone noticed increased number of honey bees this year ? I usually dont get many at all. Primary solitary and bumble bees. But today I saw a number of honey bees, which is unusual for me.
I haven't been seeing many bees, which I figured was due to the very cool weather in late may. When I "buzz" my early tomato blossoms, to set the blossoms, about when the bees show up is usually when I stop, due to very large numbers of blossoms and the bees. This season, I had a lot of blossoms, but no bees on them, until the last couple of days.

Today, I planted my first basil clones - the Thai basils. The others are behind, and the holy basil clones died - I think they were much thinner. I'll have to wait for some thicker stems.
Thai basil, ready to plant. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Thai basil, planted in the Jr Earthboxes. 6-2 by pepperhead212, on Flickr
Im getting a little nervous about my garlic. The bed that got overwatered last year seems to be yellowing up a bit compared to the bed next to it ( which did fine last year, probably due to better drainage). With all the rain we got the past few days, I hope it didnt affect them. Ill be keeping a close eye. I did amend the soil for better drainage this year. Guess we'll see. If it happens again this year, ill probably swap the location of the onions and garlic.

My cukes/ Kirbiees aren't looking too good Both the ones I start from seed and the ones I bought. I dont see any evidence of insects so not %100 sure what's going on. between last years wilt and whatever is going on this year, ive never had issues with cukes. They have always been one of my most dependable , productive crops. At least I still have time this season to hopefully figure it out and get a successful second planting .
Tomato plants are growing great, though only the tiny tomatoes are showing up, but this is early, of course. I really didn't like doing this today, since everything is wet (only .07", so far, but droplets coming down constantly), but I had to secure all of the loose vines to the trellis, as there is a storm coming through, with "possibly damaging winds", and there was a lot of new growth, since last time. So I did something sort of obsessive, but trying to play it safe - I sterilized my hands after handling every plant, to avoid any transfer of possible disease! I probably used more of that stuff today, than I have in the entire pandemic! :LOL:

I also checked other plants, as well, but only a couple of peppers needed some securing - it's mostly the tomatoes that are growing like crazy.
Picked a boat load of chard the other day ( cooked down to nothing)
got ( or had ) 2 Chard rows, only picked one cause I had to make room for the peanuts.

Also picked 2 cabbages ( grown in gallon pots). A smaller variety cabbage, but no bugs, slugs ... Nice and crips. Not very tightly packed. Made a nice salad with it.

Also picked a broccoli, also grown in a gallon pot. Probably could have went another week, but its supposed to get into the 90's for the next 3 or 4 days, and I wont be able to keep an eye on them for the next few days .dont want to leave them unattended in that heat. So eating them was the next best thing!!.


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