What Condiments Do You Have On Your Table?

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I keep the tamari in the cupboard with the Worcestershire, fish sauce, vinegars, hot sauce, etc., all within easy reach when I'm cooking.
I keep the tamari in the cupboard with the Worcestershire, fish sauce, vinegars, hot sauce, etc., all within easy reach when I'm cooking.

I also keep most of those items in my pantry, although I don't have any tamari. I do keep my large selection of hot sauces in the fridge, but not for any particular reason. I've just always done it.

I also keep most of those items in my pantry, although I don't have any tamari. I do keep my large selection of hot sauces in the fridge, but not for any particular reason. I've just always done it.

I keep some hot sauces in the fridge, but I don't notice any deterioration in the quality when I don't bother to refrigerate Tobasco brand chipotle or Grace's hot sauce. in the fridge.
Edited, because where else would I refrigerate something, if not in the fridge? D'oh! :doh:
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I have two of the door/ side shelves of the fridge designated primarily for condiment type things. Ketchup, mustard, various hot sauces, various soy sauces, a few varieties of liquid smoke and probably a few other things that Im too lazy to get up and check.

Next to my cooktop, on the counter , I keep a few bottles of various oils, vinegars , one of just water, salt and pepper and sugar so they are all within arms reach while I'm cooking.
I have two of the door/ side shelves of the fridge designated primarily for condiment type things. Ketchup, mustard, various hot sauces, various soy sauces, a few varieties of liquid smoke and probably a few other things that Im too lazy to get up and check.

Next to my cooktop, on the counter , I keep a few bottles of various oils, vinegars , one of just water, salt and pepper and sugar so they are all within arms reach while I'm cooking.

Next to my cooktop I have salt, pepper EVOO and Avocado Oil all the time. If I need other things, I get them out when I do mise en place.

I don't keep my mustards in the fridge either.
I do now keep my ketchup there, I don't go thru that fast enough and although I've never had it "turn" on me it goes a really dark colour - which I find just weird.
Other condiments like Tamari, Oyster Sauce, etc. stay in the cupboard.
Mint Sauce, horseradish is in the fridge, but not Worchestershire.
Hot sauces and pastes are in the fridge, but not the Smoked Liquids.
All my oils are in the pantry. As light and heat can break them down faster.
Most ketchups and mustards from the store have more vinegar and salt and they may keep without being refrigerated. The homemade stuff we make, we keep in the fridge as it is low salt low sugar and probably wouldn't hold up at room temperature.
I recently read that the majority of store bought condiments won't go bad if you leave them at room temperature. However, some, like ketchup will start to lose quality. According to Heinz, it won't make you sick, but it won't taste as good.
Heinz ketchup bottles sold for home consumption are labeled to refrigerate after opening. Those sold to restaurants have no such labelling because everyone knows restaurants leave the ketchup bottles on the tables 24/7.
Heinz ketchup bottles sold for home consumption are labeled to refrigerate after opening. Those sold to restaurants have no such labelling because everyone knows restaurants leave the ketchup bottles on the tables 24/7.
Wow I never thought about it. That makes sense.
I bought a very large bottle of ketchup a little over a year ago. It is in the far pantry. I keep a smaller squeeze bottle in the fridge. Used it today and to the best of my knowledge the taste is the same as ever.
I have a lot of things like that in my fridge - mostly Chinese ingredients, that wouldn't go bad if used fairly quickly, because of all the salt and/or sugar, but I refrigerate them, because I rarely use them,
I have a lot of things like that in my fridge - mostly Chinese ingredients, that wouldn't go bad if used fairly quickly, because of all the salt, but I refrigerate them, because I rarely use them, and they will keep just about forever refrigerated. Hungry friends that look in my fridge, looking for leftovers, are always joking about how much food I have, but nothing to eat!

I just opened a container of
ketchup yesterday - I only buy 20 oz containers of it, since I only use it as an ingredient in things, that call for a small amount of it. The last one lasted nearly a year (I dated the bottom of it - 7-4-23). Those Chinese things usually last me much longer, though many years ago, when I used them much more frequently, some of them I didn't even refrigerate.
I never have that go bad, as long as I buy Kadoya (which is actually Japanese, but my favorite for Chinese, and anything using toasted sesame oil). Many years ago, when testing all the brands of different ingredients, I tried several types, and had some go rancid. I also found that raw sesame oil went rancid fastest. And some things, like "hot" sesame oil, which was just mixed hot oil and sesame oil, went rancid, unless refrigerated.
I don't have a table but I keep salt out on the counter. I don't like pepper. If I need condiments, that means a trip digging into the pantry or the fridge.

I keep just about everything except vinegar in the fridge, but I don't go through stuff that often. However, I had been keeping the sesame oil in the pantry. It's about a year old. Maybe I should toss it, get a new one, and keep it in the fridge, too.

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