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Head Chef
Aug 31, 2010
I bought a gadget at a rummage sale. I thought it was a pizzelle iron but it turns out that it's not. The gadget I bought looks more like a branding iron. Anyone have any idea what it is? It is long handled and has a circular end that looks like it is meant to be used in hot oil.
Try googling rosette iron. They come in a bunch of shapes - maybe this is what you have?
Wasn't there some kind of antique that was used to warm drinks? It was heated in a fire and then put in the mug? Tough to say without seeing it.
Take a picture of it and post it in the What's this pic game, lol.
Try googling rosette iron. They come in a bunch of shapes - maybe this is what you have?

Yup, that's what it is.

This is exactly the type of "cookies?" that it will make. Now does anyone have a recipe or will a pizzelle recipe work?
I also got an iron that makes a little piecrust shaped "cookie". I assume that I can use the same rosetta batter for this application too. Anyone know for sure?
If it's as you have described, I'm almost certain it is a rosette iron. I have one with several "heads" and love it. I haven't made any in quite a while but they're delicious.

I'll look through my recipes and post the one I use. Won't do it until tomorrow. It's been a long, busy day.
I did some Internet surfing and found this set at Amazon. It's similar to what I have, but a little more modern handle device. I also have several different timbale irons. Timbales are awesome for filling with creamy goodness and/or fruit.

Hmmm. Now I want to make rosettes or timbales.

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